Dear Connie, Kim, and all other interested parties

on 1/15/09 1:25 pm - Glendale, AZ

I said it before in my reply to Joanie's post, I don't want anyone to leave.  You need to do what feels right for you, but again, I don't think we can afford to lose anybody.  Think about what attrition has already done.  We started out with hundreds of us and now were down to a handful.  There will always be people over 50 or 40 or 30 who will fill those boards, but there is a finite number of people who had surgery in March of 2004. 

Don't worry about people not replying to my post.  I lob the ball and if nobody swings, that's OK.  I wasn't hurt by it at all. 

I've thought about what Margo said about the rules of conduct and I'm leaning towards agreeing with her.  Remember before the election when I asked people to vote because of the insurance issue?  Things got active and Mike came on and asked us all to cool our jets.  He was right, but I was also miffed.  I wasn't miffed at Mike, but just at the situation.  I've decided that I'm just going to have my own code of conduct for nobody but me.  I might post it, but it isn't intended for anyone to follow except me. 

I've been thinking a lot about Marilyn.  I hope that she's safe and busy living life.  I don't know if I missed a post from her telling us that she's eloping or won a million bucks or some other explanation for her absence, but I hope all is well. 

OK, Reenie, have a wonderful weekend with Jillian.  I'll be here when you get back.


on 1/15/09 7:48 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Yes, I've been worried about Marilyn as well - so I hope she's reading this and let's everyone know she's ok. I love your metaphor about lobbing the ball - but I'm not going to stick around to be slammed in the head! I don't accept it anywhere else in my life so I sure won't accept it here. Be well, Connie, and I wish for nothing more than that people stay fit and healthy - and give them selves to the world in a kind and decent way. Love to all, Maureen
on 1/15/09 8:08 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
on 1/16/09 4:12 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Pam, I like your approach, thanks for this. Hope you don't mind that I borrow from your post with my own revised version and everyone can hold me to this:  STATEMENT:
1.  I will read a post when I want to.
2.  I will respond to a post when I want to.
3.  I will choose to not respond to a post if that feels right to me.
4.  I am not a mean person.
5.  If what I want to share with this Board is not 100% kind and supportive, I will not post it.
6.  Life IS too short! Absolutely on to much more important matters.

on 1/16/09 4:29 am
Hmmm... Drama... I think I've written about that a time or two....(small snort since i write paranormal romance.)

WOW! away for a little while and come back to what?? Gee...Wonder who the cheerleaders are hmmmmmmmmm???? (whispers) could it possibly be....ME??? (touching chest lightly with wide innocent eyes) GASP GASP! shock and horror!!! GASP!  DRAMA!!!  FAINTING DEAD AWAY!!! VAPORS!!!!!  (passes out).....(blinks...wakes up)  GO TEAM GO!!!! (jumps with a little kick) WOO HOOO! anyway...Whatever!  Thats ok. (smiles with a shrug)
Yeah I know...I can be a real snot.    Character flaw...or possibly entertainment, hopefully the latter.  

Sorry had to go there.  I'll always have a positive attitude and be supportive of people. And even if I dont defeat my demons... whatever, chastize away and call the rubber room, lock me up, send me to a therapist and throw away the key if i keep posting that I ate the wrong things despite someone telling me to eat healthy... hey i may thank you, they probably have some DARNED GOOD MEDS THERE! (I'm telling you he looks like hes popping pills!!!) 


Anyway... Stay Reenie... you know what...if it makes someone feel better and lift their spirits then I'll tell them -WHOEVER IT IS- to stay a thousand times just to make them feel wanted and happy. Some people can't be bothered to do that and thats fine. But theres no need to make someone feel bad for asking. Am I cheering??? ah well...guess its in my blood. God blessed me with that and I love Him for it!

I think the whole "Rule" thing wasn't exactly literal. At least I didn't take it as such. Seemed more of a passing comment, a way of pointing out something. I dont think there was a plan to say.. ok Everybody rule number ONE "No saying you suck!"  sorta silly if you think about it. so im gonna ignore that. 

so anywhoo...  ill still be here posting. struggling because i gained. maybe posting a thousand and one times that i ate something i shouldnt have...probably a thousand and two..  because this is what this board is for...posting my weaknesses looking for support just talking about the struggle in general pretty much.  My take is, if you get sick of reading my five hundred and second post of me eating some sugar and carbs....(yeah...ya'll know me by now huh???) (Still gonna try that potato candy Kim!!!  LOL!!! just havent been able to get there yet... cant wait to try it!)  anyway...for.... the ok...five hundred and third post that i ate sugar and carbs...if you're sick of me not taking my own advise or others...Then just dont click on me anymore. otherwise ill love to hear from ya!!!  but if you want to kick me in the a-$$ for it...HEY LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU THEN TOO! as long as its a "friendly" kick.

OH and by the way... i love the people i talk to on this board and feel at home. love ya kim and pammie and connie and reenie and marylin and judy and everyone else i post to.. my goodness its been almost 5 years!!!  I'm sorry Margo that you don't feel that way and never felt that we were true friends. but its totally understandable being that this is the internet and you didn't want to make that connection or leery about it. people lurk and who knows what they are thinking...but being that is march 2004 wls i dont mind as i'm sure they are not psycho. lol... anyway...Despite that...i still have love for ya and wish you all the best. I're probably telling me to go scratch!  lol.... but thats ok too!
on 1/16/09 5:38 am
on 1/16/09 7:11 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
You two are cracking me up ... ok, I'm taking Pammie's advice: on to more important things - like MARCH 2009!!!  WHOO-HOO!!! FIVE YEARS!!! Man, I'm psyched about it!!! Ok, I'm heading up to Montreal to visit beloved daughter; it's near ZERO here in CT right now - I can only imagine what it is up there! Stay snuggly warm and be well, all - Maureen
Margo M.
on 1/16/09 9:13 am - Elyria, OH
on 1/16/09 9:36 am
on 1/17/09 3:34 am
I think the thing is when we say thing in general about there being cheerleaders on here...well honestly there's like only a handfull of us that post. Me, pammie, kim, connie, you, joan .... very few so its just a matter of wonering who I guess. My pom poms did deflate a little I have to say. (smiling). I was just being a brat and really didn't take it to heart.

It's easy to misunderstand things on here. As far as the internet is concerned. I met my husband on the internet. (laugh) so i know it's possible to make a serious connection. I thought you meant you didn't connect with us here on the Marcher board and were nervous about posting any private things. Defintely don't blame you there at all if that's what you meant. I don't go into real personal details here as well, there is alot I dont mention but i mean thats normal, totally understandable know anyone on this whole site can read it and run. So feeling at home can be a little hard. But I myself try to block out the fact that there may be others not posting...watching or whatever...I bite the bullet and just know that I'm speaking to my few friends that post every day and I'm very comfortable with them after 5 years. There are some personal things I will share. :) 

As far as being frank and blunt. Hey, we all are at some time and point. and it can be a very good thing. But then again, I think sometimes there is a small line that can be crossed that will hurt and that all depends on the delivery. I still think this is all water under the bridge because it all comes down to the fact that we dont REALLY know whats stewing in someone's head when we dont know them personally off the boards. We dont see how they are 24/7. I guess instead of us telling people they are in denial about whatever illness we think they may have... we don't really know for sure. So maybe a suggestion would be better instead of an absolute assement of someones mentality in a bit of a mean way. Hey, don't get me wrong. Therapy wouldn't hurt any of us really. It's a positive thing even if we aren't clinically depressed. Don't need to be to go to one. God knows I'm sure I'd get some benefit out of it myself. lol...we don't want you to go back into your hole. All in all communication is just the way we work. good or bad. harsh or not. it gets the mind stimulated despite our feelings. Makes us all think. Definitely not something we can't handle since we are all friends. I'm hoping! We can certainly move on.  
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