on 1/8/09 1:47 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Joanie, I've been thinking about our last couple of postings and I've got a big favor to ask of you. Can you share here what you typically eat in a day? You seem to have really found what works for you in keeping your weight off and I think I get it philosophically - balance, in moderation, etc. But in more concrete terms, what are you eating? How many meals a day, do you eat between meals, what kinds of foods are you eating, do you exercise regularly or what do you do to expend calories and stay fit? How do you manage cravings and slip-ups? You are a great role model for post-WLS success; share what you're doing that's working for you so that we can perhaps find a way to replicate some of what your doing in our daily living! In fact, I invite anyone who feels they are successfully maintaining their weight loss to please share with us what you're doing that is working for you. As far as I'm concerned, this is why we're here - to share, to learn from one another, to support each other, and to help when we can. Thank you! Maureen
Joan Stonehill
on 1/8/09 8:28 am - TN
Wow...well...there is no rhyme or reason to what I eat.  I no longer do protein shakes.  My goal is to get to the gym 3 times a week, but it doesn't always happen.  I do 20 minutes on the elliptical machine and 40 minutes of weights/machines.  I try to do eggs in the morning and some sort of meat (turkey bacon or turkey' sausage) and some sort of whole grain bread.  Usually 1 egg, one slice of turkey bacon and a fiber one english muffin.  Sometimes I use butter, but most times I use that spray stuff.  If I eat the above, then I usually don't need a snack.  Often I don't eat all of the above for breakfast and I may have a mid morning snack of a South Beach High Protein cereal bar. For  lunch, I might have half a sandwich and then eat the other half for a snack later (I did that today).  It was tuna, lettuce and low carb whole grain bread by Peppridge Farms that I bought already made at the local grocery store.  Some days it could be a slice of pizza (before WLS I would have 2 or 3 slices).  I also love oscar mayer 98% fat free bologna with mustard on low calorie whole grain bread, maybe with a slice of low fat cheese and a pickle!  Dinner is what ever the man and I come up with.  It could be rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, salmon, steak, always a big salad with balsamic and olive oil.  Cravings and slip cravings are strange ones.  Most people crave sweets.  My passion is olives,  Big, meaty green olives...maybe stuffed with garlic.  I've looked up the nutritional value and they are actually good for you.  The garlic stuffed ones I get in a jar are 20 calories for 2 olives.  BUT....if someone brings cookies to work and I want one, I eat one and get on with my life.  I don't beat myself up over it.  If it is someone's birthday and we do a cake, I take a piece, have a bite, and throw it out.  I have no problem doing that, where as other people are not able to do that.  I look forward to my couple of glasses of wine on the weekends or sometimes mid week. I account for it and usually eat less because of it.  We also go out to dinner a lot.  I order what I want, but I will tell you that I get at least 3 meals out of that entree.  Before I had my surgery, I had met a woman who was one of the first people to have WLS....she must have had it more than 20 years ago.  Her advise?  Eat what you want, just very little of it.  That  advise always stuck with me....but then again, I don't consider myself a food addict.  One of the doctors at work gave me a box of chocolates for christmas.  So far, I've eaten 2 pieces out of it.  Before WLS, the box would have been gone in a day.  I've had it since before christmas.   One thing my system cannot tolerate at all is any kind of fruit juice.  I love orange juice but it makes me sick.  I may try the crystal lite one.  Also I am very bad with water consumption.  I actually forget to drink, and it makes me mad because I know how good it is for me to do it.  I have to make more of an effort in that department.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't really stress myself over food.  I do not buy junk food, there is none in my house.  I can't remember the last time I bought a box of cookies.  I may eat fast food 2 or 3 times a year, and each time I do, it makes me sick.  I am a firm believer in Weigh****chers.  (I love that this site does the ***thing...what is that about?).  It is the healthiest, most sensible life style around.  Bar none.  It is not a's a way of life.  It is a major league commitment.  You do it for life.  I believe a lot of my attitude about food and food choices comes from their philosophy. 
I did a lot of writing here but I don't feel like I said much...but I hope it helps someone!
Take care and be well....................Joanie
on 1/8/09 9:02 am, edited 1/8/09 9:04 am
Joan Stonehill
on 1/8/09 7:06 pm - TN
I like that 3 bite thing....I have to try that.  But you, like me, do not consider yourself a food addict.  I think it's a matter of attitude. 

Take care and be well!
on 1/8/09 7:36 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Joanie, Kim thats my attitude with eating too. That is the way that I've always done eating since surgery with the exception of last summer. which i'm paying for!
I messed up last summer big time. That was the only time that I'd ever done that.
Before surgery I was a sugar addict. I do believe that sweets are addictive 100%. After surgry I got away from them becasue they would make me sick. Now its been so long that if I do have a piece of cake it will still make me sick. maybe thats the key? the people who still get that sick feeling stay away from the surgary stuff? I willhave a bite of cake at work if it is offered because I do like the taste but I stop after that one bite.
Pumpkin pie was a big time favorite of mine. I coud eat a whole pie all to myself years ago. this past christmas was the first time I'd had a small piece. I had it all set  in my mind that pumpkin is a vegi so its ok to eatr it. LORD do you kinow how much sugar they put in that??? I was in the bathroom for most of the day after havinjg a sliver of pumpkin pie! the thought of it after made my tummy queasy.
When i do crave sweets i buy a box of sugar free cookies take the portion out throw the rest away. if i keep the box i will eat the box and the sugar alchol in them does the same for me that sugar does with adding tons of gas. I bloat up like a hoppy toad.
My blood sugar is getting regulated very well now. the eating several small meals a day is working for me. i'm still not back to normal but am hopeful to get there by summer.
still holding my own at 175.
when i started with low blood sugar i ballooned up to the 180's that made me sick to my stomch let me tell ya! but now i've gotten back to the weight i've been complaining about and i'm forcing myself to be happy about it! forcing is a strong word but i am thankful to be gettting healthy again.
i'm fortunate in that i am tall and i've always carried my weight well for some reason it distributes nicely. i wear size 12's now along with some of my 10's
the dietician told me that i will be able to lose weight once i get my blood sugar regulated. thats the key for me right now.
hard to believe our 5th year is coming. i'm so very thankful that i was able to get to where i am today.
Joan Stonehill
on 1/8/09 9:03 pm - TN
I am also a fan of the 100 calorie packs.  A little more money but excellent portion control.  Eat one pack, you're done and that's it.  It works for me.
on 1/9/09 1:45 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I really appreciate the time and effort you all put into responding to this. But I take issue with the belief that addiction is a matter of "attitude" - although this certainly is a theory in the psychological sciences but not one that is widely embraced by experts in the field. I believe this theory is dismissive of people who are in real trouble with any given substance or behavior - alcohol, drugs, food, sex, etc., as if they (we) are just weak in the knees when it comes to abstaining and we should merely suck it up and use (eat) the substance in moderation. Are you "stronger" than me because you don't have a problem with food (in my case, sugar)? If you didn't have a problem with food, why did you pursue weight loss surgery? Why didn't you just lose it through Weigh****chers? I'm not being defensive or argumentative - I really want to know. For my part, and based on tons and tons of research I've conducted over the past three months, sugar and sugar-based foods are absolutely certifiably addictive and alter the brain chemistry in very harmful ways.  And I can't extend myself to be of help to anyone if I merely view them as weak or making poor choices because of lack of willpower. Glad to keep this thread going in a spirit of friendship, and constructive debate is healthy - but I won't be dismissed as merely having a "faulty attitude" when it comes to my eating.  I'm as strong-willed as they come but I cannot tolerate sugar and candy at all because of its inherent addictive qualities. Sure would appreciate hearing from others on either side of this precarious fence.. Thanks all. Maureen
Joan Stonehill
on 1/9/09 2:33 am - TN
You know what?  I am SORRY I took the time to write what I did.  I did not judge anyone here.  As others have said in the past, if we don't agree with what you say, then you attack.  Guess what else?  I work in a rehab.  I am surrounded by addiction every single day.  And it's true...only the strong survive.  I am not stronger or weaker than anyone here.  You are just lashing out at me because of your addiction you love to talk about but not do anything about.  If you are such an authority on everything pertaining to substance abuse, then you don't need to ask me or anyone else questions.  You can find a therapist...and addictions help you with your sugar issues.  I never said I didn't have problems with food...they are just not the same problems as you have.  I am over the drama, Reenie.  All I can tell you is get help if you need it.

on 1/9/09 3:06 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Huh, this is interesting. I'm not attacking anyone, I'm countering your assertion about this being merely an issue of "attitude". And I don't recall anyone posting to this board that they thought I was attacking them because they disagreed with me. I've been here a long time, Joan, and I'm not going anywhere unless I am asked to leave because I am of no use to anyone here. I meant it when I said you are a model of success post-WLS and I am truly happy for you. Maureen
Joan Stonehill
on 1/9/09 3:30 am - TN
The reason for my distress with you is that you put words in my mouth.  I  never called you weak in any way, yet that was the response I got.  No one is asking you to go anywhere.  All I am saying is that if you have an addiction problem, then you need to go that route.  It is a matter of attitude.  If you have an addiction to a particular food, you need to find ways to over come that addiction.  We can talk about food choices and exercise until the cows come home.  But addiction is an entirely different issue.  The substance you are addicted is sugar.  No one needs candy to live.  If candy makes you crazy then perhaps you have to cold turkey it...or not.  I honestly don't know.  I am not a trained counselor or therapist.  But you should find one and make it a priority if that is what is keeping you from your goals.  And as much as you don't want to believe it...attitude is everything.  We have addicts in here with bad attitudes, and guess what?  They will get out of here and continue to use.  We also have addicts who are determined not to use again....and they are the ones with promise.  I'm sorry you don't agree with what I am saying but I guess that is the beauty of living in America...we all have our opinion.

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