Happy New Year. My Resolution
Hi Everyone! Happy New Year!
If anyone is interested...or in the same boat as me and perhaps gaining or hasn't gotten near goal or is per chance gaining more than desired... I am swearing off SUGAR AND CARBS. Period. I am going back to the basics and remembering how I'm supposed to be acting. Like a wls patient. I am starting to stock up on the typical items. Protein shakes (which I am having now). and Sugar free everything. This is what I've gotten so far:
Sugar Free (carb countdown) yogurt. I actually like this yogurt better than the light yogurt which still has too much sugar.
Sugar free milk. (Calorie Countdown milk) it only has 3 gr of sugar. I use to drink it all the time!
Isopure Protein drinks.
EAS Carb Countdown protein drinks
Beef jerkey
Nuts - Almonds!
All Natural Peanut Butter. No sugar added. just the Smuckers all natural. for when i feel the hunger cravings pounding at me. It ALWAYS helps.
Sugar free chocolate and candies, for those hard days so I wont feel deprived.
High Protein snacks. If I need a chip or something like that...its a high protein chip! I use to do that too... its funny what I forgot I use to eat!!!
Beans. Just good for you if you can handle them. If not try beano.
Refried beans... love them. They have the fat free kind, but you'll still lose even on the fatty kind. Its just the elimination of the sugar and carbs that gets that weight off!
Fruit! I use to LOVE watermelon. Craved it sooo much. not alot of fruit but that is a good treat.
Protein Bars!!! for the in-between meals when I get hungry.
Veggies! I have my celery (which I love) and little carrots and my little cheat is cream cheese which I can only eat so much of anyway. And of course the natural peanut butter.
Crystal Light and Propel... I still drink those.
Well... thats the start. I have to get more beef jerkey though it just doesnt last in my house the husband and the son devour it. Its so expensive!!! won't buy it anywhere else but walmart! just too pricey!
My meals will consist of protein and veggies. Various kinds and Various dishes.
My one carb slash starch is mashed potatoes or a baked potatoe. I ate that too and did ok. but didn't crave it much after a while.
We are in a grilled cesar salad kick at my house right now. My hubby is Mr. Buff and works out and is on a health kick himself. He's even gotten the protein powders so If I ever run out of mine...i can use some of his! :) which is sugar free too but its got all that muscley stuff in it. but it works!
Anyway...thats my New Year's resolution.
to stick with the old eating plan and get the rest of this weight off and have a great summer! With God's help!
"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
I've cooked enough boneless chicken for 10 meals. So, I'm ready to go. I just fixed my husband and me a blueberry milk shake, it was wonderful!! I called my little size 2 sister and told her to send her husband to get them a protien shake. She's been sick for 2 weeks with broncitus, I always think she's going to strave to death, so that's why I sent her the shake.
We can do this, we know how, so let's do it, in 2009. Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
I am right there with you trying to kick the carbs and nonsense stuff !!!
I bought the 5 CD set of Walking Away the Pounds at Home and my hope is to get up at 4:45 a.m. to do that each a.m. and failing the am. do it when I get home in the evening. I gave up my gym membership because it was $59/month I was not using. I got screwed up when I was battling the kidney stones and never got back into the routine of going to the gym on a regular basis after that.
My 5 year is sdchedled for March 16, tho I might move it since we are probably not going to be at the beach for St Patrick's day parade, and appointment was to be on the way home on Monday. I need ot lose at least what I have gained since lastMarch, which is do-able and would REALLY like to lose what I have gained since March 2007 which is also do-able!
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!