Happy New Year!! I am going to join Maureen in a New Year Hope. I just want to feel good again!!
I have taken medicine so long and nothing is has really helped me. I have been going to a massage therapist for several years and she does a deep tissue massage and this has helped my back more than any medicine or exercise ever has. I am trying some thing new. I have been twice to a Chinease Doctor and had accupunture. I feel better and he says he can help me with my weight problem . He says my fat is not normal. He says it is a side effect from some of the medicine I'm taking. He came over here from China and went to school at Emory Universary in Atlanta. He then had to go back to China and work as a doctor for 16 years to pay them back for him coming to school here. He is a Christain and he said as a little boy his Mother would show him a penny . She would point out IN GOD WE TRUST on it and tell him he had to come to America to live, so he could worship God freely. He uses the Bible in his work.
I'm going tomorrow to his office to see a massage therapist that works with him. She is going to do a Lymphatic Drainage Massage. He says this will help get the toxins out of my body and get it to working right again. I have read a lot of information about this and I feel good about doing it. I knew that my fat was different. Even when I was at my fattest I still had nice legs, but now from my knees up they are all red and out of shape. This has just happened in the last few months.
These are some of my New Year Hopes:
1. Be a better Christain
2. Be better to my family.
3. Be better to myself by:
-Taking better care of me!!
-Eating 3 well balanced meals and 2 healthy snacks a day adding up to not over fourteen hundred calories a day.
-Not eating any bad carbs. Nothing white, like white bread, white rice, potatoes, sugar, ect.
-Excercising at least 3 days a week.
-Keep a journal of what I eat and how much I exercise.
These are things I think I can do. I will not try to push myself to do things that are impossible for me! If I do good with these New Hopes, I add on more.
So people I am here again for your support and I know I'll get it. Love y'all, Judy
I have taken medicine so long and nothing is has really helped me. I have been going to a massage therapist for several years and she does a deep tissue massage and this has helped my back more than any medicine or exercise ever has. I am trying some thing new. I have been twice to a Chinease Doctor and had accupunture. I feel better and he says he can help me with my weight problem . He says my fat is not normal. He says it is a side effect from some of the medicine I'm taking. He came over here from China and went to school at Emory Universary in Atlanta. He then had to go back to China and work as a doctor for 16 years to pay them back for him coming to school here. He is a Christain and he said as a little boy his Mother would show him a penny . She would point out IN GOD WE TRUST on it and tell him he had to come to America to live, so he could worship God freely. He uses the Bible in his work.
I'm going tomorrow to his office to see a massage therapist that works with him. She is going to do a Lymphatic Drainage Massage. He says this will help get the toxins out of my body and get it to working right again. I have read a lot of information about this and I feel good about doing it. I knew that my fat was different. Even when I was at my fattest I still had nice legs, but now from my knees up they are all red and out of shape. This has just happened in the last few months.
These are some of my New Year Hopes:
1. Be a better Christain
2. Be better to my family.
3. Be better to myself by:
-Taking better care of me!!
-Eating 3 well balanced meals and 2 healthy snacks a day adding up to not over fourteen hundred calories a day.
-Not eating any bad carbs. Nothing white, like white bread, white rice, potatoes, sugar, ect.
-Excercising at least 3 days a week.
-Keep a journal of what I eat and how much I exercise.
These are things I think I can do. I will not try to push myself to do things that are impossible for me! If I do good with these New Hopes, I add on more.
So people I am here again for your support and I know I'll get it. Love y'all, Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
Ms Judy I loved your post.
I would be curiuous as to how the new doctor works for you. I've been wanting to try acupucture for a while now. I've heard so much good about it and how it can help a multipule amount of different things. Its pretty amazing.
Massage too is wonderful! You know I hadnt had a massage in years i was afraided that they would hit my bad spot on my lower back. I'd had a rutured disk maybe years ago (thanks to the ex hubby) and am very profectful of it. but I found if I told them about it they made me so comfortable and were so careful of it. ahhhh I think its time to make anotyher appointment to go again!
take care happy new year!
I would be curiuous as to how the new doctor works for you. I've been wanting to try acupucture for a while now. I've heard so much good about it and how it can help a multipule amount of different things. Its pretty amazing.
Massage too is wonderful! You know I hadnt had a massage in years i was afraided that they would hit my bad spot on my lower back. I'd had a rutured disk maybe years ago (thanks to the ex hubby) and am very profectful of it. but I found if I told them about it they made me so comfortable and were so careful of it. ahhhh I think its time to make anotyher appointment to go again!
take care happy new year!
You can do this, especially the "taking better care of me" promise to yourself - because that's where it all has to start; only then can you be a better you to your family, your Christian base, your community, your world. Can't wait to hear about your lymphatic drainage massage results - getting the toxins out of the system is so crucuial; eliminating sugar is really, really important! Let's do the "buddy system" on the sugar, ok? NO SUGAR, one day at a time - today is DAY TWO for me of no chocolate - YEAH!!!