Dental problem for big baby pam

on 12/29/08 10:20 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
I am the biggest baby where dentists are concerned. I wait until the last minute when I am in extreme pain before I go to them then I want them to just pull it. I'd be thrilled to have dentures. The dentist that i've gone to for years is nice he's good but he's not got the big daddy thing that i need. ok so i'm 56 but when i go into a dentist office i turn into 6 years old.
when i was 6 they wanted you to be tough. don't be a baby get your teeth taken care of. my mother was good and did what she was suppose to about taking me for check ups but that was how they handled kids back then. you had to just take it. i had to have a tooth pulled with i was 6 and they used gas to put me under. i woke up as they were pulling the tooth and started to struggle. the dentist was hanging over me the nurses where holding me down and my motehr was yelling at me to stop being a baby that it needed to be taken care of. that stayed with me
i found a new dentist i'm going to today. he uses sedation denstisry but because i'm not already a patient with him he needs to meet with me first to go over that. so no sedation today for me. but he can take care of the edxtreme pain that i have been in all night. no sleep last night for me. i'll have to have novacaine. they seemed very nice on the phone and have come well recommended. i don't have a choice right now. its the day before new years eve and everyone will be closed for a week or more. i want to get someone that i will be comforatable with because i have alot more dental work that needs to be done.
I've had a good cry about it. reminded myself i'm not that 6 year old little girl anymore and this dentist is not that old mean man either!
please say a pray for me and for them at that dentist office!
good luck and god bless, pam
on 12/30/08 12:01 am
im there with you... its been sooooooooooooooooooo long since ive been to the dentist... so long that im petrified what they are going to find!!!  Hang in there! THey sound nice. :) 
Margo M.
on 12/30/08 6:58 pm - Elyria, OH
you and i must have gone to the same dentist as kids! i have memory of mine basically straddling the chair over me ( and he was a very talllll man) to do some work-we went every 6 mos like clockwork for our cleaning and etc...i went about 5 yrs ago and had some stuff done- not happy at all--before that it was almost 20 years--i would love to just have dentures too!!!i wanna be put out to have the teeth pulled and wake me up about 3 weeks later after my gums have started to heal.....

alas-no money no insurance-and right now -thanks to God no problems....well- receeding gums and last week a tooth nothing.....

here's a hug pammie!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 12/30/08 7:17 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
I survived the dentist but have got to go back next week. still in alot of pain.
the results were that my gums have receeded and the nerves are exposed. plus i have a root canal maybe 3 that need to be done.
i am fortuante that i have dental on my insurance the down side was that they called and due to weather where the insurance call place was or the holidays they were closed!!!!! they went on line to check my account with the insurance company and the companys web site was down!!!
heres the bad part. my dentist is closed today into the new year. if they did the work yesterday without approval and then the insurance company said no then I would be responcible to pay the whole shabang. i do not have an extra $2000 hanging around HA! HA! HA! of sure i could just pull it out of my spending money purse HAHAHAHA OMG I've just laughed so hard i might have wet my pants! Please note the sarcasum with the extra money hanging around!
so the choices were do the work with a chance i might have to pay for the whole thing or wait until next week/new year when hopefully the insurance place will be up and running but if not i still have the beginning of a new year of coverage so it will work.
the big downside is my tooth hurts. i'll just have to deal. I guess you know which option I choose,.
i'm not sure what it is we can take for pain in over the counter stuff. can we take asprin? ibrophin? advil? i'm very lucky that i don't usually get headaches (watch me get one now hahaha) or other things that require pain meds.
Thank you for sending your prayers.
Margo M.
on 1/1/09 7:07 am - Elyria, OH
no aspirin...take tylenol or percoset if you have any lying around? or vicodin...again if laying around-haha

pam-sorry you have to wait-owies

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 1/1/09 7:14 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
thxs margo i thought it might5 b ok for tylonal but could not remember
& would rather stick it out than 2 take something without being 100% sure.
The tooth is painful but i've been using baby abisol too that helps alittle bit.
I wish i'd taken the chance with maybe having to pay the full amount and just had them do the root canal while i was there. but i can't go backwards now. only a few more days til it gets done.
me who is terrified of dentists is actually looking forward to going!
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