Oh my gosh!!!! I am dumping soooo bad right now. Sweats. Nausea, rapid heart beats, did I mention sweats??? i mean big time YUK!!! i'm dumping like i did right after surgery. and heres what I had (Work munchie day):
it has cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and I don't know if its sourcream or cream cheese...i think both. OH MY GOSH>>>> it made me sooooooo SICK!

WOW! be careful of that type of stuff! UGH!
now i can eat cream cheese on a bagel NO problem. but this combination OH. MY. GOODNESS.
it has cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and I don't know if its sourcream or cream cheese...i think both. OH MY GOSH>>>> it made me sooooooo SICK!

WOW! be careful of that type of stuff! UGH!
now i can eat cream cheese on a bagel NO problem. but this combination OH. MY. GOODNESS.

your just getting hit one thing after another!
i'm always so afraid to eat something that i dont' know what it has in it. we have some fantastic cooks at my job. the dessert buffet this past week was just to die for. I swear to god I was drooling when i just looked at it.
i didn't plan on trying anything but i did take one bite of this chocolate wonder and one bite of a pumpkin nut bread. both were well worth the bites. both deserved much more attention than i gave them. i had to walk past that buffet 20 times an hour. each and every single time i stopped and stared.
i was in a dream world of i want to eat you so bad.
i'm glad that i stuck to the one bite especailly with the health issues i've had in the past few months but let me tell you that buffet sight will stick with me for a long time.
it was my fantasy....
awwww sweets......
geesh the drool is starting again
i'm always so afraid to eat something that i dont' know what it has in it. we have some fantastic cooks at my job. the dessert buffet this past week was just to die for. I swear to god I was drooling when i just looked at it.
i didn't plan on trying anything but i did take one bite of this chocolate wonder and one bite of a pumpkin nut bread. both were well worth the bites. both deserved much more attention than i gave them. i had to walk past that buffet 20 times an hour. each and every single time i stopped and stared.
i was in a dream world of i want to eat you so bad.
i'm glad that i stuck to the one bite especailly with the health issues i've had in the past few months but let me tell you that buffet sight will stick with me for a long time.
it was my fantasy....
awwww sweets......
geesh the drool is starting again
That stinks royally...I feel for you.....I think I finally had my very first dump ever a few nights ago...I was feeling alittle weird so thought I needed some sugar..that kind of weird feeling, so I ate some of my orange stuff not the healthy type mind you....anyway about 20 minutes later I was getting the really really bad stomach cramps (dumping???) anyway had to lay down and sleep it off...dont know if that was me dumping but I am not doing it again ....it sucked big time. So jest to my story is you definalty got my sympathy hang in there!
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
i had two episodes yesterday-one was a bowl of corn flakes with a small banana and milk...i do not understand why it is getting worse as i get farther out!
sorry you went thru this..............
sorry you went thru this..............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
ok....2 bites of a peanutbutter cookie and a half of cup of fat free Lactaid milk. Threw up, got tired, went to sleep....for like half an hour. I'm thinking the natural sugar in the milk (?) and the sugar in the cookie pushed me over the edge.
My worst enemy now is stress. My mother was in the hospital for a week...all the kids coming in....work....holidays. I feel like every ounce of life was zapped from me. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow....if I can drag myself there.
Take care...
My worst enemy now is stress. My mother was in the hospital for a week...all the kids coming in....work....holidays. I feel like every ounce of life was zapped from me. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow....if I can drag myself there.
Take care...
HI Joanie its good to see you again!
You know you mentioned stress and it got me to thinking. I've been having dumping recently.I blamed it on the low blood sugar issues I'm having but I'm wondering and I would almost bet money if I had any money and if I was a betting type of person (hahaha) that the stress of the holidays, my mom coming with her health issues, my sister coming with her health issues, not seeing the guy who gets on my nerves but I care for very much along with my mother and sister not likeing him. Its not the him they don't like its that he is a man.
Then there is work, snow which I hate to drive in, cleaning, shopping add it all up. ARGGGG
I hope your feeling better soon.
take care, happy holidays, and god bless, pammy
You know you mentioned stress and it got me to thinking. I've been having dumping recently.I blamed it on the low blood sugar issues I'm having but I'm wondering and I would almost bet money if I had any money and if I was a betting type of person (hahaha) that the stress of the holidays, my mom coming with her health issues, my sister coming with her health issues, not seeing the guy who gets on my nerves but I care for very much along with my mother and sister not likeing him. Its not the him they don't like its that he is a man.
Then there is work, snow which I hate to drive in, cleaning, shopping add it all up. ARGGGG
I hope your feeling better soon.
take care, happy holidays, and god bless, pammy