Life ain't fair sometimes!!
I'm still having major problems with my feet. I had shots in them again last Friday , that's the third time and he can't give me any more. The way he talked I would just have to hurt. And man , do I ever hurt!! Yesterday when I got home from work , Charles said , how do you feel. I said , well my left arm doesn't hurt!! I am really depressed from the weight gain and the perils of old age! Gettin old ain't for sissys!! I'll be 61 Feb. 9th. and I would like to work till I'm 62, so I can get my social security and my retirement. I just pray there is still a retirement and social security in the t years to come. Everything is so bleak in the whole world, I've just about quit listening to the news, because everything is so bad. I just pray President Obama can pull us of out of this depression!! I don"t call it a recession, because it's way past there.
I'm ashamed to go back to my surgeon!! I've gained about 40 pounds since I was at his office, about 2 years ago. So, I am hoping the new doctor will run the blood test and help me get back on track. I know my diabets is out of control again, so I guess that's a big part of my pain.
Well, I have rambled in this post, but that's what old people do!! I love y'all! Judy
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.
I'm so sorry you are feeling down and your feet hurt. Thats the worst. Your feet take you places and when they feel bad all feels bad. Its wrong of him to make you feel that way. And don't feel bad about gaining. I JUST went through the same thing with my doctor!!! She was like you gained 30 lbs since I last saw you. I said yeah. She was like what are you doing to fix it? I told her cutting carbs and sugar and she was happy with that and said that was perfect. I told her I lost 4 pounds and she was excited about that. Don't let those docs get you down. it happens to all of us. them included. Hang in there! We are here for you! God BLess!!!
hi judy,
i'm in a similar state of mind as you are. down due to weight gain and not feeling well. i had a birthday this week turned 56. not old i dont think so its a number at least thats wha ti always felt but now with not feeling well and the way the world is with money jobs its all so scarey.
i'm a whimp thats for sure.
i thinhk once i start getting to the point where i feel lik emyself more than just a week at a time then maybe i can get the energy to go dancing again. i miss dancing.
my feet hurt too! what is up with that??? geesh the late 50's aren't as much fun as the early 50's were!
take care your in my prayers.