Hi Everyone
Pam, I believe the next WLS support group meeting at L&M is 12/17, from 6-8pm; even though this is the day Jillian comes home for the holidays I believe I will be going - I really, really need some support right now. I would absolutely love your company, your friendship, your support - and it will be good for you as well. This is a really good group of people and the meetings are very focused and well organized - they always have a strong presenter. What do you say??? Please???? Maureen
you could have a gluten issue- check into gluten free things-google it
i worry that my stoma is stretched that my pouch is stretched...i cannot afford to go to get checked-my own surgeon "did me a favor" -NOT --by not making my pouch as small as others cuz i was a lightweight-BS --i alos think i have thyroid problems-again- no doc no money no ins....
i need to get 50# off and would go under again-(but no money or ins for such) to get that part of me working--IF it is in fact mechanical--if i were truly intereste din revision i would be studying feverishly-however- i am not at this point due to the above mentioned lacka fundage or ins..... ( sorry i feel like a broken record!!)
i also feel that a big part is simply will power and desire and stick to it iveness...i hav enone of the above...(in my personal case i think i would be more successful at my loss if i wlere alone -however i am not)--see -this is where i feel like i failed-yes; i have kept off 50 # but i regained #0 when michael got sick and have stayed there- so i feel like i failed at my surgery....like i fought ins and i spent all that time and money etc for nothing.......................and i cannot eat and i cannot drink-simple things like coffee with creamer without dumping like i did last friday nite...i know-no crying in baseball!!!!!-sorry to take over your thread!!!!!
as for carbs- your body needs some!!!!!!!!!!! not as many as you and i both crave but some--they assist your brain ...depriving your bosy totally of carbs is detrimental and that is where my low sugar episodes kick in.......
hugs to you
i worry that my stoma is stretched that my pouch is stretched...i cannot afford to go to get checked-my own surgeon "did me a favor" -NOT --by not making my pouch as small as others cuz i was a lightweight-BS --i alos think i have thyroid problems-again- no doc no money no ins....
i need to get 50# off and would go under again-(but no money or ins for such) to get that part of me working--IF it is in fact mechanical--if i were truly intereste din revision i would be studying feverishly-however- i am not at this point due to the above mentioned lacka fundage or ins..... ( sorry i feel like a broken record!!)
i also feel that a big part is simply will power and desire and stick to it iveness...i hav enone of the above...(in my personal case i think i would be more successful at my loss if i wlere alone -however i am not)--see -this is where i feel like i failed-yes; i have kept off 50 # but i regained #0 when michael got sick and have stayed there- so i feel like i failed at my surgery....like i fought ins and i spent all that time and money etc for nothing.......................and i cannot eat and i cannot drink-simple things like coffee with creamer without dumping like i did last friday nite...i know-no crying in baseball!!!!!-sorry to take over your thread!!!!!
as for carbs- your body needs some!!!!!!!!!!! not as many as you and i both crave but some--they assist your brain ...depriving your bosy totally of carbs is detrimental and that is where my low sugar episodes kick in.......
hugs to you
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Yeah I am eating fruit to get in my carbs. They are the good carbs and help keep me balanced. I can totally do without the breads and pastas. I'll check out the gluten thing. Hmmm.... I caved yesterday though, I did have carbs and not good ones. I had some of those cinnamon crispy things from taco bell. i got them for my son and had a few. They are those really light twisty things sprinkled with cinnamon and a little sugar. It know, it wasn't that bad and it didn't make me hungry so that was good. I went to taco bell to get refried beans. They are really yummy and its minus the carbs. I usually get 2 or 3 sides. They're pretty small. Yeah I think my stoma is stretched and my pouch is a little bigger than normal I think. but maybe it isn't. I have to just resign to the fact that its all in my head. Which it is. keep out that sugar and kick the bad carbs. and minimal if any breads and pastas. Well, i probably will eat some carbs in my soup if it has some noodles but trying to keep that all to a bare minimum. It makes me feel better anyway. Ah to be as I was 3-4 months out of surgery. I didn't crave ANY breads at ALL! and I felt GREAT! No sugar in my system other than natural fruit sugars. I remember LOVING watermelon. It was like the fruit of the GODS!!!
I remember driving in my car and just saying a heartfelt prayer of thanks to God for releasing me from that terrible curse that was riding me for so many years. The hunger and frustration and did I mention constant hunger. And my complexion was flawless when I had no sugar and carbs in my system. I tell ya, it might have been extreme for the first 2 months, but darnit! If I can just do the same thing and get all that nasty sugar out of my system!!! I was the same way...right out of surgery and for the first 3 months I WAS STARVIN! quite literally. I mean lets face it...we were ALL STARVING! Thats how we lost the pounds so fast in the very beginning. I remember chewing my food and spitting it out just to get past the cravings. and that never really helped. Then finally....aaahhhh.... the sugar was gone and i felt a thousand times better. see...i just have to psych myself into getting back to that point. I'm going on a christmas luncheon today at work...to a very expensive restaurant. They have a SLEW of amazing desserts. I have to really focus and use every ounce of will power because if i have a piece of their perfect cheesecake it will set my hunger into OVERDRIVE and will mess me up for a week straight if not more!!! I'll just sip on my deacf coffee after dinner and clench my teeth resisting
wish me luck cuz i'll need it because they place that amazing little decadent cheesecake smotherd in chocoalte sauce right in front of my face! LOL... ill just give it away right away if i can....
not seeing it....