Hi Everyone
Hi! I know I've been MIA for a little bit. Well, I wasn't able to get to everyone's posts, but hope everyone is doing well or better today. I've been in a rotten slump myself. Gained weight and felt absolutely miserable and achy and just feeling rotten overall!!!! I lost 4 pounds of it though! and already I feel better. I''m really trying to be careful. Today I had eggs and bacon. (1 egg 2 bacon) and then for lunch I had soup and then my snacks will be 1 apple and 1 banana. Can't go wrong there. Trying desperately to stay away from carbs and sugar! Dinner will be VERY light eating. Like soup. I need to get this weight off. I just feel terrible and swore to myself that I wouldn't gain. I'm the heaviest I've been in a long time and it feels rotten. Emotionally and physically...especially physically! Just cant have that anymore. Gotta get it off. Well! hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! Christmas is right around the corner! Hard to believe it!
"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
i will say it wans' ttotally due to deleting carbs but it was another part of it.
all because i was depressed about gaining and not being able to lose. now i'm maintaining my weight at 176. lowest was 157 the highest i got to was 183 since the low blood sugar thing kicked in. i've had to up my carbs so much that i gained even more. but the important thing at that point was to eat and get this under control.
fortunately i am finally starting to have longer good days. i went 2 whole days witout an episode that was very nhice. i felt like maybe i'd kicked it but of course its going to take a few more weeks if forever to be gone.
i'm plugging away. enjoyinhg the good days and when the bad days are here i pray and continue to plug away.

Oh Maureen...you are right on the money there...In fact, I just got an email from a surgeon in New Jersey who specializes in revisions and the pouch suturing and the like. He sounds like a nice guy and has support groups for everyone that has had every type of surgery. Thats what this was...a support group meeting to meet with other people who've had the stomaphyx procedure and the rouxny and all the others. I don't want to go that route, but I swear I was just sitting here thinking...why am I still HUGE? i mean i know I'm eating messed up but WHY? I really DO have to get in to see the surgeon. I have to wait till after January since i have no time left to get off work... but I mean, WHY can I eat SO MUCH FOOD. and honestly...I think thats EXACTLY whats happening...its totally bypassing my stomach and going straight to my guts. I can literally FEEL it going right through. it hits my guts after i've eaten and i'm like MAN. IN FACT...and i KNOW this is gross...but have to share... once... i ate some pasta dish my mom made and, I don't know it didn't sit well with me and i got SOOOOOOOOOO nauseous that RIGHT AFTER i ate the darn thing i ran to the bathroom to throw up and NOTHING was in my pouch. and i wretched and wretched. I mean nothing was there. it went straight through!!! I mean it was RIGHT AFTER! At least SOMETHING should have been there. shoot. that happened before too. i dont know...i also, still to this day, think she made my pouch bigger than normal. I had that feeling from the get go. Something in her eyes after the surgery. Also a friend of mine that had the surgery the same year/month is having the same trouble as me. She also feels like her pouch is bigger. I don't know. You're totally right though, I should get it checked out... but here's my thing... im thinking of going to the guy in new jersey to have it looked at, because if i go to my surgeon who KNOWS she made it bigger, she may just shrug and just tell me im fine. Even if my stoma is bigger. I dont know if I can trust her 100%. i know last time i went to her and asked her about it...she told me just to get the plastic surgery, i was like...but im so so far from my goal weight! i want to be about 20 pounds above my goal weight before i even consider plastic surgery. it was a strange request. ok...ive rambled but you brought it out of me

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/a,messageboard/bo ard_id,5360/
I believe the doctor in NJ that you are referring to posts there frequently - or has his 'front office help' post on his behalf; he goes by the handle, "Little Guy" - I've said it before, and I will repeat it now with the utmost conviction: endoscopic revisions DO NOT WORK. But these surgeons are making a fortune off of people just like us, desperate to find the help we need to stop regaining, or to lose what we thought we'd lose in the first place. There are other options and you will find some good information at this site. Take care, sweetie. M.
Post Date: 11/20/08 11:50 am
I gained weight, and cant feel full, i constantly want to eat..
BUT i still dont eat large portions of course..
i went from a size 28 to a size 12 to a 18 now..
Im terrified, because nothing is working.. and if i dont eat i get really shakey and im forced to eat something sweet to stop the feeling...
I feel like i failed myself.. Im so depressed which doesnt help..
I know i need to excerises but because of the weight gain i am just mortified...
did i fail my surgery???
food just feels like it goes right through me.. something just isnt right.. :(
278 PreOp

i remember the first coupl eof years after i had the surgery. i never felt like eating. i swore they did brain surgery a nd not stomach cause i just didn't thnk about food. then it was like a switch got turned on and all i could think about was food. my stomach growled too it hadn't done that in ages!
ahhhh to go back to eating 1/2 and egg and feeling like i'd just had thanksgiving dinner!
boredom, stress, the whole shebang!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White