Back from Sunny FL to This???
IT'S COLD!!!! Holy Cow, I can't believe how cold it is in Connecticut. We were in Florida these past 4 days helping my Dad ring in his 80th birthday; we ate too much; we drank too much (it's the only time I ever really drink - when I'm at my father's house). I'm not going to talk about my weight gain except to say it's history as of this a.m. Back to HEALTH. Speaking of which, I'm really sick with a nasty flu/cold. Won't help that I left Florida's beautiful weather - high 70s every day, sun shining brightly, warm winds - very nice to get out of the cold, but not to leave that weather and come back to this! We took Devin on a sport fishing charter trip, that was great fun. Devin caught a small black tip shark, put up a good fight - it was good to see him so relaxed and happy! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I'm catching up on your posts. Hope everyone is doing well. Maureen
WELCOME HOME!!!!...better late then never LOL....glad you had nice weather in Florida, shame you didnt bring it home with you or at least as far as Maryland would of been nice
... thats wonderful you were able to celebrate your dads big Birthday with dad is having his 75th this summer and my parents are having their 50th wedding anniversary this Feb 7th...Us kids are going to plan something very nice for them...they also live in Florida and they love it.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."