it's saturday !!!!!!!!!

Margo M.
on 12/6/08 8:57 am - Elyria, OH
i missed my mark this morning but it's still saturday!! what are your weekend plans???

we did the plasma thing last nite and i dumped on a mc'd's latte-they were giving them away ( a $2.30 value) for sampling----it was sf but it must have a gazillion gms high fructose corn syrup in the creamer part-omg it was a nasty few hours afterwards--walked into hobby lobby to make a return and buy some yarn--oh uck...then had to go to krogers-not fun..actually let michael drive home -an hour drive- i was that sick-tried to sleep-every time i dozed he started talking -i wanted to tell him to shut just taking it easy..

so i am still working on my Christmas knitting projects-have two hats and a scarf and a half to do then fringe on 5 scarves and pompoms on 3 hats and some other misc things-uck! not doing a lot of gifting this year....

it's snowing here off and on all day-lite stuff-not even an inch yet -27* at some point today so not so bad....

worked on my "lists" -shopping/bills to pay this month etc....thinking of sending a few cards ..haven't in years....i'd send one to you guys but i don't have addresses!!!

so---what are you doing this weekend?????

be safe....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 12/6/08 12:48 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
((( Margo )))

At this point it is ALMOST Sunday .. 11:30 on Saturday night .. lol

I had a dentist appointment at 9 a.m. to remove a temporary crown and glue in the permanent one.   Ran home, collected Mr Mo and off we went ... Wally World, Lowes, Sam's Club, BJ's, Verizon Store in the mall, all the stores in the mall while I waited for them to deal with my phone (thwy swapped it out for a new one just like the old one ... but now my ring tones are gone and I've been surfing trying to find them again .. ) It was after 3 when we got back here, and then went out to dinner about 5:45.   On the way back from dinner we stopped at the new Safeway ... I didn't need anything just wanted to see it.   They have just had the grand opening of a new Safeway .. they totally tore down the old one and rebuilt on the same property (and then some ..)  The new store is easily 3 times the size of the original store.   In the 22 years I have lived here, I think I can count on 2 hands how many times I was in the old Safeway ..  I might be shopping in the new one more frequently!!!

I had the mini-week from H E double toothpicks!   It seemed like I had software support on speed dial.   I had go to assist sessions going every day, out of 6 cashiers only 2 didn't have issues settling batches that required vendor support because something funky happened.   Oh and lest I forget, as I turned the corner on Friday a.m. almost to the parking garage, and the speedometer on my truck rolled to 102,000 .. the fuel pump on Big Blue kicked the bucket!!  My big truck got to go for a ride on a flatbed wrecker and $930 and change later I got it back Friday night.   This is on top of the $3,000 or so that went into the SAME truck in October.   It's cheaper than payments on a new truck .. but geeeeeeeeeeeez ..

So, I needed the distraction of running around doing stuff today.   I actually did some 'shopping' for Christmas gifts.  We just buy for the nieces and nephews and I'm trying to weed those down .. get rid of the ones over 20 .. but not sure how that will fly.  (I'm weeding on Mr Mo's side . lol).   I am the queen of gift cards, but I've seen/heard so many dire things about being careful with gift cards this year, I'm trying to buy gifts but that makes the budget thing a bit rough.

Speaking of snow, we have had a tiny amount here in Maryland today into the night.   Enough that it lay on the ground but not so much that it will be a nuisance .. at least I hope not!   Will see in the a.m.

Ok, it's now even closer to Sunday.  I'm going to take my sleepy self to bed.

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

on 12/6/08 10:12 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
My saturday I spent going to the outlets in clinton CT to pick up some gift cards at the Coach store. my daugther love that place. she saves up the gift cards she gets until she has enough for a new bag,. Personally I have no idea why she likes those bags that much! I am a pocket book person big time. I have a shelf in my closet with just bags. But I'm happy with vera bradleyO i love her bags. and I do like Dooney burkes alot. I only have one of those but would like to add to that! I'm a bargan shopper so for me to buy name brand they have to be on sale, clearance, consignment shop or good will. I refuse to pay 300 bucks for a bag.
I too am concerned with gift cards. I love to give and get those but man it seems liek there are so many stores going out of business! I'm trying to stick to ones that feel good that will stay around. Hopefully I've chosen them wisely.
I've cut back too on the gift and sending holiday cards. I kept a list of who I got cards from last year and will send to those but others I'm not sending to. I think if they send one to me this year that I won't return send a card and hopefully it all clears up next year! the world will not end if I don't send cards. Then again it might help the post office!
I'm so thrilled that gas costs have lowered in my town. I live in a small town were the gas prices always were very high. Uusally higher than in other towns. but right now for the past month we've had the lowest prices. Right now we are at $1.67 a gal. tahts fantastic in our area. I work in New London abouit 30 minutes from my home. The lowest Ive gotten there is $1.99 a gallon but I will admit its much better than over 4! to think how happy I am to be saving over 3 dollars a gallon. I'm still being careful of how much I drive (thats diffifult seeing as how I'm in sales and drive all day!) I haven't gotten my oil tank filled yet but am hoping it too will be lower than last time. I have to keep the house warm cause of my little feathered friends.
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