Giving Thanks
Hi All:
I know that I haven't been participating much on this board of late, but I have been dropping in to see what's happening with all of you. Many of us are going through some pretty difficult times lately (economic or health or both). With all of the distress among the "Marchers" and the country in general, it's hard to maintain a positive outlook on life these days. With that in mind, I decided to dwell on some positives on this day of Thanksgiving. I'm going to list a few of mine and hope that the rest of you will join me by thinking of a few "positives" and sharing them with us.
I'd also like to wish all of you a safe, sane, healthy, and happy Thanksgiving. I'd like to say that I'm going to be a good boy food-wise today, but I'm enough of a realist to know that I'll over-do it
today. I'm just going to try to be sane about it!! And hopefully, not this....
Things to be thankful for:
1) I'm still employed which in these economic times makes me appreciate what I have despite the fact that after 32 years, I'm sick to death of it!!
2) I'm not tipping the scales at over 350 lbs.. I wish that I hadn't gained back the 30 lbs. from my low point, but I'm still so much better off than I was before March, 2004.
3) My daughters are healthy, happy and actually starting to look like they are becoming solid adult citizens. Who'd a thunk it possible??!!
4) With all of the ups and downs in our lives, my wife and I still like each other most days. (Love is one thing, but I really think that it's harder to LIKE your partner over the long term).
Well, dear Marchers, with all of this said.......I'm going to round up the wife and the dog....put on the sneakers.....and go out for a walk before the Festivities begin!!
I am thankful for lots as well, even though I am one of those unemployed right now
& have been for 5 weeks. The good news is I have a new job that starts next week.
The bad news it is not in San Diego as I am going back to Arizona. This time for
work & not the Man thing. San Diego is so hard up on jobs I had to start looking
back in AZ. I am having a great Thanksgiving Dinner with Mom then will be moving
back to Bullhead City on Saturday & go back to Walmart there. I worked for them
before & at least it is a job.

I will take it. Mom is very understanding as I could not continue to go unemployed much longer. I have a place to stay with a very good
friend & will be back to work on next weeks schedule as soon as I check in with
the Asst. Manager when I arrive back in town.
Happy Thanksgiving to all & I will be out of touch for awhile as I don't no how long
before I can get internet back. I will check in at the library when I can.
Take care. God Bless All of this board & your families!!
Ladybug Marilyn

check in when you can- maybe the public library computers?
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
to borrow and alter your line
****I'm not tipping the scales at over 233 lbs.. I wish that I hadn't gained back the 30 lbs. from my low point, but I'm still so much better off than I was before March, 2004.
i am thankful to be employed even tho it is not a job that i enjoy-it is steady work and their paychecks don't bounce!
i am thankful to be healthy -especially without insurance
i am thankful to have the company of my hubby and our dogs and cat and birds
i am thankful for you guys to keep me honest
we are celebrating alone together today but will spend an early Christmas with my kids and grands.....
i am going to go knit some more- i am gifting hats and scarves to all of the grands for christmas- two more sets to make...and fringe to add......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White