The Shakes??

on 11/25/08 1:12 am

Ok... I'm not dizzy... But I do have bouts of the shakes. Like right now I am shaking like crazy. Not caffiene induced as I cannot drink caffeine. I did have some breakfast this morning... an egg and bacon. I still think it has to do with blood sugar because I am REALLY shaky. would you all agree? I am eating my soup now which has chicken and greens and macaroni in it so that should help I would think. I just hate it. I usually do get it around lunch time. I also have a protein drink that I will have a little later. That will probably really help out.


 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 11/25/08 2:40 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
This is the first time I recall you posting about this, at least to this extent. You sound scared. Is this happening very frequently? Daily? Every few days or so? Weekly? Can you really take a gut honest look at what you're eating in an attempt to connect the physiological response (potentially) to the food that you are ingesting? What you're describing as having eaten today would not cause this kind of physical reaction, at least not if it's blood sugar related. Do you have a glucose monitor? If you do, Elizabeth, it's very important that you start carrying it around with you and test the moment you start feeling out of sorts - and before you eat anything to try and make those feelings go away. You have to know what's going on with your body. I certainly known - and own - that sugar does a horrible number on my body, from severe shaking, to hyper-heat rate and very fast breathing, to barely being able to think, really literally, I can't navigate from one room to another - to almost blacking out. And I'm typing this after just downing a small bagful of gum drops - and waiting for the fun to begin. I'm hating myself right now... take are of yourself, Elizabeth. Don't be a loser like me. M.
on 11/25/08 4:17 am
Please. you are not a loser. I wish you would stop that!  You are a normal person!!! we all down those candies once in awhile. Oh and I am a gummie freak so.... i understand. lol... !!  unfortunately right? I'm not scared, I guess because I have always shook to a certain extent. I never really thought much about it. slight shakes now and then but nothing drastic is a bit normal for me. Though at times once in a while like maybe once or twice a week or so I get them pretty bad around lunch time. Sometimes when I dont eat enough. I thought the egg and the bacon would've been enough. It wasn't alot though so maybe not... I'm with you...the eggs and bacon wouldn't really trigger the blood sugar... i wouldn't think. But im not sure what else it would be. I had my decaf but that has some splenda in it and a little milk. After I ate it slowly went away so maybe its just... i dont know what. I DO worry about getting parkinsons... my father who is in his 70s was just diagnosed with it. My uncle shook when he was older as well. it was a very slooow progressing disease with them. My dad shook just a little bit. Small tremors. He still doesnt have it severe. Once in awhile his hands will shake when he's eating something he shouldn't or if hes stressed. So i do worry about that a little. I dont think thats what it is but who knows. I think maybe i just didnt eat enough. i guess. since Ive been eating a full breakfast and been skimming it down the last couple of days. I haven't had my protein drink. I still feel a little bit shaky but nothing out of the norm. I guess I just never really thought about it really. It was just pretty bad today and I figured I'd post to see what I heard back. :) oh and most of the time when i eat sugar like that... i dont really get anything. unless its ice cream... then i dump! get all shaky and sick and then knocked out sleepiness... but if I ate a bag of gummy bears... nothing. Maybe in a blue moon i would get a little bit sleepy... WHICH SUCKS! by the way. not that im going around eating bags of gummies... i exaggerated a little there. lol.... i supppose if i ate a WHOLE bag i would get a bit of a heart race... but just the normal servings of candy usually doesnt affect me which again sucks. anywhooo... i really need to work at getting the sugar out of my system. Its hard and i struggle everyday... some days are better than others. today is an ok day so far. soup... eggs and bacon. decaf and water and ice. lol.... if i can just keep it up ill be good. Gonna drink my protein drink now.... and hang in there. Just work off those little gummies by going for a nice brisk walk and then you dont ahve to beat yourself up!   your still my inspiration reenie.

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 11/25/08 4:58 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
My Dad has Parkinson's quite severely, it's gotten progressively worse over the last 7 years I'd say. He can't hold a cup of coffee for himself anymore; he can't write his name on a check anymore. His hands shake violently. But not his head, just his hands. He turns 80 on December 6th and we're flying to FL to be with him, just Devin, Jim and me - Jillian can't make it from Montreal, which is really upsetting me. She thought she could make it, told me to buy her ticket, which I did - then she said her finals were all messed up. Jillian can be a bit of an airhead, just goes with the flow at times, which is fine when it doesn't involve other people and I sure didn't need to throw $250 down the toilet right now! I'm stressing going to FL too - always do, very complicated stuff there... so of course I'm eating... yikes. Ah life. It just doesn't let up. Then there's Devin and these video games - anyone else's kids - or anybody - playing these X-Box games, "Halo" and something of Honor, I can't remember what it's called, war games - I hate them... I think they are really messing kids up. What's your take on them? M.
on 11/25/08 10:45 pm

My son is 10 and he beat all 3 halos. lol... You know... I think it truly depends on the kid. Honestly. The games are more violent and you have to be careful which games they play. I don't think halo is bad. I HATE gears of war. hate it hate it hate it. it involves a chain saw. Him and his dad played it once and i was like WHAT THE HECK!!! afterwards i refused to let matt play it. I mean I was raised on video games. Loved them... they weren't as violent and graphic as they are now. but they did still have the fighting and the blood. I'm ok. At least I dont have any violent urges. lol... i think halo is ok. BUT it can be very addictive... (FOR THE HUSBAND!) HAHAHA... but for the kid as well of course.... BUT there is a good side to gaming... you can actually have a very lucrative career in gaming which is WHY i ask if your son interested in it. Seriously Maureen he can make a TON of money programming and it could be something he will really enjoy. Try giving him the benefit of the doubt and ask him. But if your dead set against them and think  they are harming him... i dont know. I dont think halo is that type of game. My son never played online with other players... he just did the game... my husband played online and made maps and programmed a little and i was like... neat. i dont see the harm unless its consuming his life... but then again at that age... well it does. things like that did when i was his age. TV video games. look... if your son is level headed and you dont think he has any psychotic tendencies... or even extremely suseptible, he's probably fine. I worry about it too which is why i always limit my sons time. He doesnt play a whole lot anymore, and i dont do the real violent ones. Some of the war games... matt has played and some are not bloody and others are. and the one war game he has, i make him put it on goodyear setting... where anyone he kills they explode into good year tires. LOL... its funny but theres no blood! so there are certain settings in games. Matt is a VERY level headed kid. I taught him values and compassion and the like from before he could talk. So I think he's alright. We always talk about the games and if I dont like them he just doesnt play them. And some of the ones that are even mild I talk to him about and we discuss them. Gotta be totally open with kids these days. But then mine is 10. hes at that open stage... teens are harder. hang in there. I think he'll be fine. Like i said, I dont think halo will mess him up but it can be very addictive to play and may have to watch out for that... make sure he gets out of the house and such.   OH medal of honor! Matt loves that dumb game. I think that is the one with the goodyear tire setting. its not so bad. yeah... its violent. My husband SWEARS its the military preparing our kids.  I was like aaah get out of here... YET my son knows all the war guns now. That was a bit freaky. i think as long as you are there with your kid and talk to them about what they are seeing and playing that its wrong to war and kill etc.... and explain the games and make sure they are not twisting it up in their heads, they will be ok. So many parents dont monitor their kids gaming and just let them do whatever without talking to them and laying down the whole "moral code" about what they are playing and seeing that it can tend to hurt kids. Be open with your kid... talk about things dont let them over do it and I think you're ok.

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

Margo M.
on 11/25/08 7:28 am - Elyria, OH
i went hru a period of these shakes- and usually i, too, had a good breakfast of protein- but sometimes i wait too long to eat again--i have found tha when i do only 2-3 hours in between and then small amounts i am better off- also- when i do only protein type things and NO carbs i find some issues-

when you get these shakes do you also feel like your skin is crawling....not bug like but almost like a chill from the inside?

on the other side of the coin---i drank some chocolate milk saturday and dumped BIG TIME...stupid stupid stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/25/08 11:45 am
I spoke to my doctor about this same thing...I was told to eat small meals more helped alot. Dont skip meals.... 

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 11/25/08 10:50 pm
you know i think thats it... i just went too long without eating. that makes total sense because i am eating oatmeal with cranberries and granola (yummmyyyyy) and i nibble on it until lunchtime and when i do that i normally dont shake! geez... thanks... i never really thought about that. I bet thats exactly what it was... too many hours in between eating! 

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 11/27/08 2:05 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
i will send a note about my recent problems with shaking and some other not so fun stuff that has happend. broken computer i will be back
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