"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe" ----"Anatole France"
"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."
two weeks ago i went out of town on a retreat weekend with fellow OFF board members (over fifty forum here on OH) --i wrote to judy about it on one of her posts...anyhow-while gone our 12 year old blue and gold macaw, chico , almost died-he is michael's pride and we have spent two weeks and more than $600 in vet bills , meds and food trying to get him well- we will know hopefully tomorrow results of bloodwork- he could have PPD which is somethig i cannot pronounce but used to be called Macaw Wasting Disease- like Lou Gehrigs (ALS )in humans..not pretty way to die--soo we are praying that is NOT what is wrong--if it is not; we will never know what it was that he has had...just praying...and i am praying also for michael==cuz i just do NOT see his mental state surviving if chico dies ...and --last year when i went to dallas with the same group our dog trinity died in michael's arms..dunno if you remember that scenario...
i am still trying to find FT work- put in an app with the county where i work now- would be an awesome job as a Deputy Clerk in one of the courts- my super is actually a great guy so it would be under him but i have a feeling he has a "pet" for this job...we'll see..starting pay is $2.68 more per hour than i get now- would be 40 hours and bennies......a few weeks back i was working on trying to get this one job that would have been a wonderful career move-didn't get it -wa s #2 choice (becuz i don't have health ins and she wasn't offering it she would have felt guilty if i got sick-ouch!!) i may have written about it--i was very disappointed about not getting it... geographically that job would have meant staying in this area somewhat--the job as deputy clerk would give me a chance to move closer to my kids tho not all of the way out there (don't wanan drive that far!)
i am still donating plasma and it is really getting to me- but it's also money in pocket
am trying to make some Christmas presents fo rthe grands..hope they will apprecaite hats and scarves-i would but i am old!! have to think of how to stretch the budget...and don't have that Kmart discount i had last Christmas!
michael has busted arse around the house trying to get it sellable but i still have a ton -i mean ten tons-to clean and declutter ..and time is wastin...not that ppl are lining up to buy!!! we need out from under the morgage and just walking away from it is NOT an option.....
i am actually getting into a funk about teh upcoming holidays and lacka money-and i know we are not teh only ones in this boat--but it is really starting to wear on me...i was prepared to pay some bills til chico got sick-now we are overdrawn again and it will be weeks -months- to get out of that cycle again....
as is sit here, i am waiting for my friend from OFF to come over-i have not met her face to face yet--we should tonite otherwise it will be tomorrow!!! she lives in nebraska but is here vsiiting her step mom-and we are sposed to go to cedar point tomorrow nite--she has had a dream of riding amusement park rides since she lost her weight and so tomorrow nite is it!! we will freeze our buns off....
my mother and i are having words-or lack of them and it has me bummed but i haven't dealt with it yet-have to find the right way....
well- that is more than a few seconds but that is my life in a nutshell..
i am holding my weight at 179-180 depends on what time of day--so i am still down from orig weight of 233 but no where near to my goal...stress-dammit thats my excuse!!!! tonite i feel bloated and gassy and not sure why but it will pass! sorry!!!
anyhow- that's life....
oh-btw-i'm glad that you don't know my full name since you called connie by hers!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
My dad's best friend just had a major heart attack, he has been fighting cancer for about 2.5 years so there is basically nothing they can do for him other than make him comfortable, they are sending him home with hospice, that just totally sucks...
honestly I feel like everythign around me is just craptastic...
the hubster is home 3 days aweek and does NOTHING except sleep or play computer games...@@ but if I say something to him he is madder than a hornet becasue I am treating him like one of my students...ugh... then freakin help out a bit here man...
My sister is finally starting to deal with her grief and she is grabbing onto me and wanting ot spend every weekend with me and she is trying to plan "new traditions" for the families during the holidays and while that sounds like a good idea, it also feels really forced and that hurts me.
I am starting up a prayershawl group at my church right after teh new year. it was/is somethign I wanted to do right after my mom died but I couldn't even say those words let alone explain to others how being able to make something for some one else, by using something my mom taught me right before she died, helped but it does.
dumb stuff still is very upsetting , like the american girl catalog, my mom wanted to buy my daughter a doll for christmas and I know that my dad would buy one for her if I told him that but somehow that doesnt' seem right either...ugh
I check in about once a week so I am here jost not every day...
my weight is steady, if I want to loose any more I know it will involve exercise adn I am trying to convince teh hubster that a gym membership would help us both wit hdepression.
I noticed that teh weight I gained and tehn re-lost came out of my thighs... they are horrible now...really really bad... and I wish that would go away @@ ugh...
my sister is trying to convince me to run the danskin womens triathlon for ovarian cancer in the spring... I may do that, it is something that my mom was so proud of my sister for doing, and the nat teh same time doing it now after she is gone seems wrong...any ideas about that for me???

Today I am missing
my Mom!

"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
they are a great group-- we have a what's new thread daily--i think todays just says something about it being monday--
and i'm not telling what margo is short for- just taht i am s posed to be Margot-the french spelling-dropped the t in 5th grade and my mother was po'd!!! the name is 10 letters long---and i also have my birth name to answer to...confused???
reenie- there are days like this past weekend where i simply cannot cope any longer --nothing helped however i have to go on cuz nobody is gonna do it for me......i have to say that i am about at he very very end of the rope tho.......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
i have been donating plasma twice a week since june and it is running havoc with my iron --well it isn't--i am just having real issues......if iron and protein are not at specified levels i cannot donate and i drive 38 miles one way to do so --if i drive there and find out i am too low i have wasted gas =money...see?
normally i eat a great deal of cheese for my protein and i love it--but cannot have cheese due to it makes plasma cloudy..rice noodles potatoes ( i know!! but in small quantities!!) do as well...
and pure meat protein is expensive -hence your thread about eating and crap in grocery carts....
life 's a ***** but then you die soooooooo...i just keep pluggin along.....and praying for a better job.........and a winning lottery ticket!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White