I'M HERE!!!!!
hello everyone!!!!
I am at my local library using their wondeful computers due to the illness of my personal computer! its been a long few weeks and i miss her very very VERY much. have I said how much I miss her???
Anywho, all of a sudden I realized that I could go to my library and use theirs. Hopefully mine will be up and running soon.
I'm doing ok. Yes just ok.
I've been ill. Ill with low blood sugar nightmares. its not been good. I've been to the doctors a few times with it. I get so shakey and I can't walk. its pretty scarey. I've done this to myself. let me explain and please do not yell at me my kids, friends and guy have already given me enough yelling about it.
a few weeks back over the summer I was bummed cause of those stupid 15 pounds since my lowest weight. i worked so hard to keep it down and wanted to lose it I missed wearing my size 6 and the 10s had to go bye bye. i hate the 12's. so i did a stupid thing. for a few weeks no more than 4 i was using laxatives daily. yes. i went through a anerexic period using that stuff and not eating enough. i set my body to thinking it was starving which it was so it has decided to let me know how unhappy it is.
hopefully i've not done permanent damage. my doctor seems to think that with being exptremely good at eating everything and adding some good carbs that i should get the balance back that it should be at.
i'm ashamed that i did that and i'm ashamed that i got so wrapped up in the scale that i lost sight of how much in better health i was. now look what i've done! i've gone and messed things up pretty darn good now haven't i? I have to eat every 2 to 3 hours. No more forgetting cause i'm not hungry or i'm gonna be very sorry. i have to be sure to add good carbs and continue with the protein. drink the water all that stuff.
that 10 pounds that i lost. well i gained it all back in the past week of eating right. agggg! but i'm on the right track now and will continue.
sorry i've not been able to read everyones emails or even to find out what is up with eveyrone!
reenie i'd like to get together for lunch someday or even talk with you. i think i need the support of someone close by who i can call and keep in mine you can call me too!
I can pick up my personal emails at work so anyone *****sponds to this and sends me a message it will go to my personal email address and i will try to respond back.
thank you and please say alittle prayer for me and my stupidity! i'm doing good NOW!
hope you all are too!
love you all and miss you all too
No yelling from me, but, you do know that you could have died from all of that, right!! Now you are under the right care & those 15 lbs are not worth it or you dying on us.
I am very glad you went to the Doc & got help. Take care & prayers for you to get your health back & quickly. Thanks for you update & hope you will be feeling better
Ladybug Marilyn

"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
Then I'm good to go becasue I haven't been drinking my water like I should and since I'M 5'4 I guess I don't need as much to fill me up. SNORT... are there really people like that out there????

Gosh I'm sorry thats just too funny. I know I sound rude... but that is just SO funny. its a first for me. But on the serious side... it really is ashame that these people have no true idea of what they should be eating. Or are in denial one. Sounds like denial to me. AND they are discussing the bad things they are going to eat then drop the weight afterwards??? Sheesh. Thanks for this because it just gives me more incentive to do what I want and get to the pouch rules and get back to the basics so that I can get to that point of release from food once again. Just throw your prayers at me! ((hugs!))
"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
thank you so much for your messages!
i have been very scared about what i had done and had it effected me. i'm feeling really good right now today. the past few days i've added more food with higher carbs to my eating. even though i've done that i've also kept the calories under 1800 thats so much! i just keep reminding myself that its what i need to do right now to make me get back to healthy. as usual i am keeping track of my protein.
i can not get over how very quickly i went from ok to blah! for just 4 weeks tops i went crazy ok so crazier than usual! but that 4 weeks of stupidity really messed up my system. i'm not ever going to do that again.
Reenie thats terrible that those people did not know the rules of the pouch! only 8 were there??? it is a shame but you know if they continue to go they might give themselves support to get back on track as long as they have someone like you to help them along. Where was the doctor supporter at the group? wasn't there someone there from his office? didn't they usually have a support person who lead the group? I do hope that this hasn't all become a big old money maker only thing. that was one thing that made me so comfortable when i first went to Dr A.
we will have to get together. we work so closely to each other its a shame that we havne't gottne together for lunch yet.
with my job i am out on the road all day and usually can adjust my lunch times. please know that this is my busy season so while today i can be in gales ferry and made an appointment with someone there at 10am it could all change in a heart beat and after that appoointment i'm in plainfield at 11. it is a very crazy job but i love it.
do you have my phone number? I am at work right now came in early to take care of somethings hopefully tonight i will go to the library and check emails again. my email at home is chiwawa53 AT comcast DOT net does that make sense? hahaha
thank you again all
feeling good right now but that all can change in a second. last night was bad. during the day yesterday not bad did the eating thing feels like every 3 minutes i'm eating. i never thought i'd ever say i was sick of eating but i am. found a shake that gives me the carbs, protein that i need with low sugar cuase if i eat too much of that not only will i get the low blood sugar drop but i also get dumping Oh goodie! geesh! gotta keep a upbeat way though only way to go.