ooo oo oooo! check this out!
Check out part of this article... like I was saying earlier... I think its more that the chemical problem is CAUSING the obseity. I think its genetic. i really do... in most cases at least...
"It's not clear whether reduced receptor levels (they are talking about dopamine) are a cause or consequence of obesity: Overeating may chronically reduce receptor levels, which, over the long term, could eventually contribute to obesity. But having genetically low receptor levels may also lead to obesity by predisposing the individual to overeating in an attempt to stimulate a "blunted" reward system. Either way, revving up receptor levels by restricting food intake could enhance the impact of this common strategy for combating obesity."
I HAVE A BLUNTED REWARD SYSTEM! no wonder i feel so darn unappreicated all the time. hahahaha... ok but seriously...
here is the place where you can read the full article. Interesting stuff!!! m
and when i say kicking food to the curb by going cold turke and doing the liquid to jump start me... this TOTALLY backs me up on that !... so for some... the liquid think is extremely valid!!! huh. again not really news... but its nice to read!!!
"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M