As you all know I'm a food addict!

on 10/17/08 2:45 pm - HOSCHTON, GA

 Tonight I have read all of your post for the last 5 days. I have felt all your pain because I feel just like y'all do. Food is the answer to every emotion I have. I've gained almost 50 pounds back and I only lost 86 after the surgery . I feel so defeated!  I went to the doctor with my feet Tuesday and he gave me shots in both feet. My feet hurt so bad when I get home from work I just sat down and don't move except when I have to. He said gaining back the weight has made my feet worse. I'm taking steroids for a month, then I go back to him. Then today my husband were back to the Uroligist and they  are doing test on him Nov. 12. The doctor said He does NOT think Charles has bladder cancer, but to be on the safe side he is going to put him to sleep and look inside the bladder. So coming home I stopped and got peanuts, peanut butter crackers and cake!! It is now almost 1 A.M. And I've eaten some of all of it!!
I feel like the world is caving in on me most of the time!! I put my signature on here tonight and when I looked at it,I thought , I don't really live by this!!  I have it on my desk at work and I look at it a hundred times a day. We are not really living . We are just trying to make it one more day!  Tomorrow is a new day, let's try to really live it!! Love y'all, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

Margo M.
on 10/17/08 10:08 pm - Elyria, OH
judy ...oh gosh...i so understand...i'm here if ya wanna talk....prayers re your hubby!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/20/08 3:39 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Thank you for being there . I know you understand because of the problems you've had with your husband!! Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 10/19/08 7:43 am - Glendale, AZ

Ouch, It seems like everyone I know is having a rough time lately.  You have to give yourself credit for not eating all of it instead of some of it.  Before surgery, you probably would have eaten everything.  I had the same procedure as Charles and had the doctor look inside my bladder.  I wasn't put to sleep, but I'm not a man either.  If I were a man, they would have had to really knock me out.
on 10/20/08 3:42 am - HOSCHTON, GA
When did you have this done?  Was there any recovery time? That's a stupid question !! Women don't get to recover, they just keep going!!! What were they checking you for?  Charles has started "going" about 20 times a day.  The doctor said it could be his age or stress, but he wants to make sure it's not the cancer returning.  Thanks for caring!  Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 10/19/08 11:32 am, edited 10/19/08 11:35 am
Judy you are in my thoughts aswell as your husband...your last line says it all,"Tomorrow is a new day, try to really live it", and another good one is "God never gives us more then we can handle", I Truely believe this. Be well my friend, things will get better. 

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe"  ----"Anatole France"

"Joyously grasp the ties that bind you, for they lead straight to the heart"---"Wm."


on 10/20/08 3:45 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Yes, God never gives us more that we can handle, but sometimes , I feel so weak!  I know he is carring me durning these times. Today has been one of those days. I didn't cry till I told my staff about it.  They cried , too, and said they knew he was going to be okay. So, I have a lot of good prayer partners.  Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

on 10/20/08 12:01 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Judy, it's so difficult to get up and keep going when faced with such tremendous difficulties. What you need to do - and only you can do this no matter how much love and support you get from no matter how many people - is to somehow find the strength to make better choices in your eating so that you are living healthier. You are at an even greater disadvantage because you are on your feet all day long - that is a tremendous burden on your body and I can only imagine the physical pain.  Your body needs for your to take care of it, Judy. Choose health. You know how to do that, you know the foods that will nurture your body and your mind - and taste good at the same time. I know, oh how I know how difficult this is. Be well, my friend. Love to you, Maureen
on 10/20/08 3:50 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Today I have not eaten any sugar!! So, I'm trying to act like a big girl. I have chicken ready for supper tonight along with green beans.  I'm just going to try real hard not to let this get me down. I trust God that Charles will be okay, I'm just weak!!  You know I feel like it is all I can do to walk, not because of pain, but , depression! 
We had some apple pie left in our house this morning and I told Charles to take it to his son.  I knew if it is there when I got home I'd eat it! So , that problem was solved.
Thanks for caring. Love ya, Judy

God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. Today is very imporant, because I'm exchaning a day of my life for it.

Margo M.
on 10/20/08 8:53 am - Elyria, OH
good girl!! yay for you!!
baby steps judy....we're here holding your hand!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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