Margo M.
on 10/18/08 6:13 am - Elyria, OH
reenie-here i disagree with you--i am not on my pills due to no ins but i truly do NOtTbelieve that everyone is able to just take control--joanie did and that is awesome--i feel that i have had depression since i was a teen if not earlier-and it went unchecked for years....there are some days that it still can be debilitating to me--
sunshine and exercise help but i do believe that there is a chemical inbalance-- redux worked for me for dieting only because i wasn't taking my prozac and so it did what i needed the prozac to do til they pulle dit off the market ! also- i find that ( chemical imbalance and receptors) in medicines- some folks can handle some meds that others can't-ie michael does vicodin-he gets nothing from percocet-i can do percocet-vicodin only put me to sleep....

anyhow- what is a gazoobie??/no--don't tell me....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 10/18/08 6:08 am - Elyria, OH
i don't get the full feeling either-not often anyhow!
and teh emotions-for me-are still all over the game board!!!!!!! i'm working on them....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/18/08 3:19 pm - Rockford, IL
I am defintly a food addict, I think about food, I plan out meals, after I finish with dinner i am thinking what I can make for breakfast...it is ridiculous
I was just under 300 pounds and terrified...I am an emotional eater as well, with my mom's illness and then her death, my seizure the craptastic summero f beign housebound...I struggled with my weight, I was basically afraid to be by myself in case something else happend...it took away what self confidence I had left. My mom was my very best friend, when I felt like a failure or like I was failing she was who I could talk to and she was hoenst but built me back up at the same time...If I was being a witch she would tell me...LOL
When I was diagnosed with clinical depression after having my daughter she was the first one saying YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS, if medication helps fine, get better!

I am struggling right now, but I am ok emotionally...the eating is in control right now and I am loosing weight slowly...

At my lowest weight I was 160 pounds but I couldn't maintain that, I was eating little, workign out terribly and had made some bad choices and dealing with my own demons so I was nauseated most of the time... first time in my life I ever was UNABLE to eat... gained back to about 175 and felt fine...a little chubby, but was a size 8-10.
then mom got sick and I was terrified and began to eat my weight back to 210 pounds and tight size 14's...
so I have lost and I am loosing slowly but am back into a few size 12's and finding that I feel better with each pound...this is normal weight loss ya know??? those "skinny people" I hated because they were just about 25 pounds overweight, that should have been easy, I had like 150 to loose and so even at my lowest I felt like a failure because I didn't meet my doctor's goal of 135 pounds...my other problem is my sister, she had surgery before I did and is teh WLS poster child of perfection...other than she doesn't eat anything remotely normal...I am afriad for her that one day she will "wolf" out and get really sick, she is a food addict as well, she talks about food makes these elaborate meals for her family, then eats a protein bar at the sink and won't even eat with them...oh well, its all dsy"fun"ctional right??

1. 299 pre surgery
2. 196 this am
3. well see above LOL
Today I am missing
my Mom!
on 10/19/08 7:32 am - Glendale, AZ
1.  286 the day od surgery
2.  I honestly don't know.  I'm addicted to the scale so need to stay away.  I'm trying to go by how I feel in my clothes instead.  I get into a viscious cycle with the scale not moving, feeling like a failure and then binging so I'm better off not knowing everyday. 
3.  Food is my drug of choice.  It's a coping mechanism, but I don't know if it is an addiction in the true sense of the word.  It dosn't impact my relationships with other people or my job.  I don't have a physical craving other than hunger pangs.  Maybe it's not a physical addiction, but it is an emotional addiction.  I think an emotional addiction is probably harder to break. 

I do know thinner people with food addictions.  They've been blessed with better metabolisms and they are usually more active.  A study was just completed that shows that the pleasure centers in the brain are better stimulated by food for thin people.  Obese people have to eat more and longer to get the same kind of pleasure trigger from food.  My thin sister can eat two bites of an ice cream cone and throw it away - she's satisfied.  I'm eating my cone and diving into the trash bin to recover what's left of hers.  To follow this line of thinking, I find that if I eat highly flavored or spiced food, I'm satisfied sooner.  That holds true for both savory and sweet foods.  If I add extra sugar free syrup to my iced coffee, I get tired of it sooner and dump it.  If I add extra spices (not necessarily hot ones) to my cooking, I eat less.  The problem is that most people don't eat this way and you can't get food cooked like this from restaurants. 
on 10/19/08 10:56 am, edited 10/19/08 12:35 pm
on 10/20/08 10:10 am - Rockford, IL
I am just like you in that I want my food to TASTE... I do exactly the same thing, spice everything up and then eat a few bites and I am happy on my way...
but out it is very hard to get somethign spicy enough for that to happen unless we are eating THai... but then...THAT I over eat cause it is sooooo good! LOL

I think if I could get myself to the gym again I would be just fine...I am goign to ask for that for christmas from my dad and my sister and the husband...a gym membership for a year... cause THEN I CAN DRIVE MY OWN SELF DAMMIT!!!!!

Today I am missing
my Mom!
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