on 10/16/08 4:26 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Oh well, back to the drawing board. Got to work and I knew driving in I was going to cave. Two days without the crap candy and I just knew there was absolutely nothing I could do to not give in to the rediculously overpowering cravings for the CANDY CORN - now the M&M's lady has bucketsfull of CANDY CORN along with the M&Ms in her office, all in the name of HELP YOURSELF! Look, it's not her problem, it's my problem. It's not her fault, it's my fault. But I go to the store and I don't BUY candy corn or M&M's - it's just here, this place. It's that whole secret stealth thing that makes me feel so incredibly bad, like I'm the biggest loser on the planet. And that dates back to my conception, I'm sure of it. Anyway, two days CLEAN, and now ... what a different what we eat makes in terms of how we feel, right? I feel like steaming crap.  AND I AM WORRIED SICK ABOUT CONNIE. I can't find a phone number for her in Glendale, AZ. Can someone get a number for her - I'll gladly do the phoning - or maybe I should try the local hospitals? God, I'm so worried... M.
on 10/16/08 5:28 am

About Connie... I'm thinking maybe she stepped out of town for a bit or maybe she left her phone or her battery is dead. Try giving her another calll... leave her a message and if we dont hear from her in a day or so then maybe go that route.

GASP!!!!!!!    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! YOU ARE NOT NOT NOT going into that evil womans office!!!! I would throttle you if I was there!!!!  NOT because you ate the candy... thats just a normal oops and no big. but to go into that womans office!!!  (IM FAINTING!) Get your own candy corn and take it in even if you eat it!!!  I'm just not going to allow you to go in there Reenie. Nope. Not gonna let you! Nothing is worse than going to that womans office!!! I don't like her Reenie. Nope. I don't. She gives off bad vibes and makes you feel terrible. Remember we have a deal!!! No stepping into that womans office unless its work related and you absolutely have to!!!! ok thats a "The End" and a "Period" to going into her office. (said with a sure nod).

You know what i think? I think we're both nuts swearing off candy around Halloween!!!!   BUT its ok... we can do it! even though im staring at a hershey bar. 'sigh' argh....   anyways... you will start new tomorrow. NO OFFICE! if you think you can't do it take in a few candy corn yourself. :-)  or if you have some take a little break and have a walk around the office to work it off a little. You're in great shape Maureen, you are at a good weight and look awesome. Don't beat yourself up. Take that nice walk and bru**** off.. tomorrow is another day ! :) 

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 10/16/08 5:45 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Elizabeth, have you tried the new sugar-free little minature Hershey bars? They're really good - you get a bag full (small) at Walmar for about $1.50 - I think you get 10-12 little mini bars in the bag, SF and I love the ones with caramel. Here's the freaky thing - I have a little jar ful of 'em in my office - still, when the craving**** I head the lady's office and sneak gobs of her candy!!! There I said it... I'm a whack job. M.
on 10/16/08 5:30 am

OH and you are NOT NOT NOT A LOSER!  That woman would LOVE you to think that.  Which just proves my point to stay away from that office.   You're not a loser and everyone sneaks... lol...


 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

Joan Stonehill
on 10/16/08 11:49 am - TN
Quick don't even like this woman.  Why go into her office?  Don't you realize this woman is messing with your head?  She loves seeing this weakness in you.  How can you let her do this to you?

Not getting it,
on 10/16/08 7:53 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Joanie, it's not about the woman - at least I don't think it is - although there is something oddly familiar about her... she reminds me of my mother in some aspects. I'm remembering when I bought my first car, it was a very small car, some sort of compact, a cute little bugger, can't remember the model, but I pulled into the driveway, and my parents came out to see my first car and I remember clearly, my dad putting his arm around me and saying something like, "good for you," or "good job," in his quiet way - and my mom - I have never forgotten this! - my mom said, this is a quote: "Why do big people have to drive tiny little cars? Does it make them feel skinny or something?"  I felt the blood drain from my face. I think I was 20 years old. So when you said in your post, "not getting it," believe me - I am a smart, capable, determined, passionate, generally happy person! You're preaching to the choir! I'm not getting it either - haven't for a very long time! But when you just said that - "not getting it" - somehow, that simple statement triggered this connection between Judy and my mother. Could be the start of the end of the secret trips into Judy's office!!! M.
Joan Stonehill
on 10/16/08 8:40 pm - TN
So then what I'm getting from this it the candy or the keeper of the candy that has you going in there.  I meant that didn't get it when I said that.  Have you tried keeping candy in your own office?  Do you eat a lot of it when you do that?  I guess I was just trying to be logical.  If I had a co worker I wasn't fond of, I would sort of avoid her office. 
on 10/16/08 11:08 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Yes, I've tried keeping the candy in my office. Right now, I have a jarful of SF candy. I still take it from her office. I feel like a gigantic whack job, believe me. I have no clue what's going on, if I knew, I'd fix the problem and be done with it. I am otherwise a very logical, sensible person - I take care of problems all day long at work. This is the single aspect of my life that makes absolutely no sense to me. And it completely connects to my childhood. I know that. I've tried dealing with it in therapy, years of it. It helped to some extent. I don't want to use this board for this purpose. It's my problem, my cross to bear. I really appreciate the support with this I get from you and others here... it goes so far back for me and it is so, so deep inside my soul -- M.
on 10/16/08 2:06 pm - Mtn. View, MO
     I was wondering if you eat too many of those SF hersey candy bars would it hurt you. Cause if I have a bag by my chair while I am watching tv I'll eat the whole thing. An I love the SF toffee squares too. I have a problem with candy and cookies myself. Real food don't bother me that much. I live alone so therefore I snack alot instead of cooking a meal. An this is probably a no no, right?
     You talk about depress my daughter had her surgery in Jan of this year has already lost 140 lbs. and has reach her goal already. Mom me had my surgery almost 5 years ago and have never reach my goal. Some people said maybe I had the wrong goal set for me. Don't get me wrong I am so happy for my daughter and she is so pretty and looks so good. She also 23 years younger than me and is able to wal****ep telling myself all this. I just keep telling myself I can get there I have 30 more lbs to go but it is so hard for me now. God Bless   dianalee
on 10/17/08 12:01 am
On October 16, 2008 at 9:06 PM Pacific Time, dianalee1956 wrote:
     I was wondering if you eat too many of those SF hersey candy bars would it hurt you. Cause if I have a bag by my chair while I am watching tv I'll eat the whole thing. An I love the SF toffee squares too. I have a problem with candy and cookies myself. Real food don't bother me that much. I live alone so therefore I snack alot instead of cooking a meal. An this is probably a no no, right?
     You talk about depress my daughter had her surgery in Jan of this year has already lost 140 lbs. and has reach her goal already. Mom me had my surgery almost 5 years ago and have never reach my goal. Some people said maybe I had the wrong goal set for me. Don't get me wrong I am so happy for my daughter and she is so pretty and looks so good. She also 23 years younger than me and is able to wal****ep telling myself all this. I just keep telling myself I can get there I have 30 more lbs to go but it is so hard for me now. God Bless   dianalee
WELL... Reenie... whatever the case... you have done it before and can do it again. Stop going into that woman's office. She isn't your mom and she is only going to talk about you. Give off bad vibes and generaly send negative energy your way. OK... we're done or else I'm comming up there to jump on my soap box... or hay bale in your case.. LOL 

I don't know about you.... but candy corn corn has this gravitational pull on me. ANd many people here at the office as well. Its not even that good!!!! thats the funny thing about candy corn!!! Yet its got this serious gravitational effect. Its its own little planet. what do you call that.... AH! yeah!!  every little candy corn has its own tractor beam. The millenium falcon couldn't even resist.  hahaha.  seriously!!!! Get some candy corn for your desk. YES! I have tried the little reeces peanut butter cups and the other SF chocolates. My buddies here at work roll their eyes at me and tease me. "I dont want your nasty candy." they say in jest when I try to pu**** on them. HAHA... its funny. they want the real stuff. BUT its funny that you should mention that... i was just thinking about you yesterday when i was staring at candy corn in the candy corn isle staring at the price tag that said 2 for 4 dollars. I sighed and was SOOO tempted. I was distracted by the other more..yummier chocolates and candies. and yeah i had to buy some because i give out candy at halloween. we get TONS of kids!!! so last night i actually caved and ate a recees. After i told you i wouldn't 'sigh' anywhoo... i digress again...  my point i was trying to make when i said funny you should mention that.... is that i was thinking that I should start stocking up on the sugar free candy and when I was in my surgery life eating phase i had that for emergencies and never considered putting sugar in my mouth. Albeit then it actually made me sick. Not now. but STILL its a good way to be.


The answer to that is POSSIBLY in only the sense that some of it has that stuff that makes you poo.    good question as i so love to use the poo poo smiley. haha!!!  but its WAY better than eating regular sugar which is WAY more dangerous to our health in the long run. WE HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT.... SUGAR IS BAD FOR WLS PEOPLE!!! just bad.  It does crazy things to our blood sugar and pancreas and all that stuff. just bad.

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

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