on 10/15/08 10:48 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Good morning. I left a voicemail message on Connie's cell phone yesterday. I haven't heard back from her. I told her we were all worried about her and asked her to please make a quick post to the board, or to give me a quick call back to let me know she's ok. Nothing. Does anyone know the town in AZ that she lives in? I need to start doing some PI work and track her down, either her home phone or her place of business -- I'm really, really worried... M.
on 10/16/08 12:01 am
Yeah, I'm worried too. I was worrying about you too and started to think... what if something happened? How would I even know how to contact you to see if you are ok.... we have to exchange #s and such. Meet one day. I am worried about her though. Glad to hear you left her a message. Hopefully she will get back to you soon. sending out prayers.

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 10/16/08 12:13 am
Marilyn C.
on 10/16/08 5:12 am - Bullhead City, AZ
I know she works in Az. government & lives in the phoenix area, possibly Chandler
but do not have any phone numbers for her. I had sent her an e-mail the other day &
had a quick response, so I no she got that. It did not say if she was O.K. ot not.
Just that she got the e-mail.
Ladybug Marilyn
Margo M.
on 10/16/08 10:28 am - Elyria, OH
glendale arizona

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/16/08 5:43 pm - Glendale, AZ

I'm here, I'm here. Sorry for causing worry.  I'm about as well as I can be these days.  The charger died on my phone so I haven't picked up messages. 

I've started a 2nd job and have 6 kidney stones and a kidney infection and have cement in my colon so by the time I get home late at night, I'm just flat exhausted and cranky.  Lucky for me, I'm already living on morphine so the stones don't bother me too much.

I'm still trying to get the kitchen pulled back together and it's two steps forward and one step back, but I'll get it done.   Trying to eat well and  trying to get in enough protein.  I haven't hooked the cooktop back up so if I don't electrocute myself this weekend, I can start cooking eggs again.  I never would have believed it, but I miss eggs. 

I'm sorry to worry you and promise to at least check in to let you know I'm still kicking. 

Love you guys,

on 10/16/08 8:06 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Connie, I thought you had died, they had buried you and The Man had no way of letting us know ... such is the way my mind works. What can I say? So first off, make sure The Man has my phone number. And if anyone on this board wants my phone number, they can email me at [email protected] - Elizabeth had the great idea that we should exchange numbers so we can all get in touch in emergencies. Now then, why do you still have these kidney stones? Shouldn't they have passed by now? As for your "plumbing" what is your doctor doing about this?  I'm going to tell you this again: GLYCOLAX. I still have a bottle of it from when I had my surgery. It's a prescrption my surgeon gave me when I had severe constipation for over a year right after surgery. It really really works and does not cause cramping and is not habit forming! I'd send you this bottle except it has expired. Go to your doctor and ask him to prescribe it for you! GLYCOLAX!! I love eggs. Nothing like eating fresh eggs right from the chicken's chute first thing in the a.m. I'm glad you're ok - sorry to be such a Mother Hen (Ha!) - be well, my friend. M.
on 10/17/08 12:49 am - Glendale, AZ

Your number is in my cell phone and address book.  I'll tell The Man to contact you should anything bad ever happen, promise.   I've tried Glycolax and the doctor took me off, don't remember why.  The Enulose syrup sort of kind of helped for a few days and then not.  The gastroenterologist put me on Amitiza,but I don't think it has helped at all.  I had a colonoscopy a week or so ago.  So get this... Sunday - No food and 4 Dulcolax.  Monday - No food, 4 Dulcolax and a gallon of that Roter Rooter stuff.  Tuesday, still not cleaned out.  And I GAINED a pound and a half!!! My grandfather had the same problems.  I'm not giving up though. 

I need a mother hen so mother way.

on 10/17/08 12:29 am
wow.  I should totally be more aware of these intuition things I feel.  I SWEAR aside from the job... what you said is almost to the t....exactly what I was thinking was wrong....

My brain ... or rather my GUT told me... cell phone dead.... kidney stones and bladder issues.  Not that its not a give. ah we love you Connie!!! But i was worried. why are you NOT in a hospital having those kidney stones removed if you have an infection??????  thats what happened to me.... i had an infection with my stones and because i had the infection they went in and removed them. Maybe i just dont know all that much about it. I think my case was more dire than they told me... in fact i am almost SURE they were keepign things from me to avoid a lawsuit or that sort of trouble.  I was sitting in the ER for 9 hours in a chair with BLOOD in my urine in ungodly pain thinking I was having a miscarriage it was so bad!!! (had one before the pain was very comparable) I groaned and cried the whole damned time. when i finally got back there, The doctor acted all funny about it and made some grumbling comments about weight loss surgery patients and their kidney stones... in which i rolled my eyes at him and glared. he was trying to intimidate me and it pi$$ed me off to the extreme until i said something verra nasty to him I wish i could remember what it was but was in too much pain to remember. Apparently it must've worked becasue he decided to get over his little issue with wls patients and actually help me. I swear I could almost see his eyes widen when he got the results back. I was hooked up to an IV so fast my head spun as they pumped tons of antibiotics in me... from then on he was all nicey nice and his bedside manner drastically changed. he advised me that they had to treat my infection before doing anything. then he said somethign about the kidney stones themselves and the infection around the stones themselves and infection her and infection there. i think i was going septic... after being pumped with tons of antibiotics the went in and removed the stones. Anywhooo I was in the hospital for three days...   so why aren't they taking your stones if you have an infection?? I would question them... soooo glad to hear from you!!!! we were all worried and take care of yourself!!! 

all that blabbing of my story for back up for that last question of why they are not taking out your stones....   dont mind me im a little loopy today.    

 "Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner  
 Elizabeth M 

on 10/17/08 1:00 am - Glendale, AZ
Your instincts are pretty good, my friend. 

They found the kidney stones when I was in the hospital with pnuemonia, but the hospital didn't tell me about it.  My pcp told me when I went to get a work release.  You'd think the hospital would tell you something like that.  I already had an appointment with a kidney specialist to see about donating a kidney to my father so she nixed the donation idea and sent me to get a sonogram and do a 24 hour pee test. The kidney infecton just started and I have a standing antibiotic prescription for these things.  Because of all the meds for my back and hip, I don't really feel the stones too much.  I had an appointment with the nephrologist next week, but had to reschedule because I have Federal jury duty.  I see her on the 4th so we'll see what she wants to do. 

I really feel for you and the ER experience.  I kept getting negative wls comments when I was there also.  What's up with these people?
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