MAUREEN! CONNIE! Where are you???

And you haven't lost your daughter, you've let her go to better herself to be a strong woman that she will prove to be. You've sent her off in preparation of the world. Be proud of her in all that she does. Sure we miss our loved ones, but again, she wouldn't want to see you so sad. Be strong for her sake and for your own. She will suceed in life. we all have a path to lead and have to go through these trials and tribulations.
There will always be horrors in this world. There are so many lost souls out there that have SO much to learn. SO many people that have to learn how to love. Unfortunately the pain in the learning can be severe. But we have to have faith. and also... you can't hide away from the world either. You can't hold it all inside of you and expect it to get better it will only get worse. I had a feeling thats where you were. I know you aren't feeling well, but don't turn inward. We are all here to learn to love one another and give support. WIthout each other theres no point. I want to ease your burden if only a little. It gives my life better purpose. Lay it on me Reenie! We all love you!!!

Don't dissappear on me... if you do, drop me an email personally. covert style.

You know what my husband tells me when the passing of my cousin is too much to bear... he yells at me just about and says in Portugal it's rude to morn too overly much because it ties that spirit to this world and causes it undue distress because our loved ones do not want to see us suffering when they are in a good place. It always helps me to force myself out of the pain of loosing my cousin. Some days its so hard. but his advise really hits home. Hence my advise to you regarding your little dear one. That pup is having a ball and wants you to move one and be happy as well. ((hugs))
"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M
You hang in there and try this.... don****ch the news for a week. if you HAVE to have your fix... read the paper but briefly... Dr. Weil always says that... its a good idea beause the bad news is sooo sad and depressing. follow the race but dont let it get to you. whoever wins we'll be ok. its not just the president that decides things. We have a whole congress and such to work our problems out. we'll get through it all. We're americans. We always do. :) Let everything else in the news and paper go because its sooo sad and depressing and when you already are struggling its the last thing you need to read or watch. I'm so glad i made you smile. but its true, your pup wants you to be happy and so does your daughter. they dont want you to feel sad so do yourself a favor and try to keep that in mind at all times. hang in there and dont you dissappear on me!

"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M

"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M

Here is where I am now. and I know there are people out there that are going to think no no no no no... and before I start rambling let me say... I AGREE...
Here is where I am... Despite your advise (Which I still hold dear) I was looking at this procedure called stomaphyx. Where they use an endoscope and just put in two little folds and staple. snap snap your done. out patient lickety split. no scarring or anything. I wrote to the doc and said how much does this cost?? he said insurance covers most but out of pocket is 2,500. yikes!!! anywho.. its for people like me who have about 80 pounds left to loose, who have had the roux n y and are stuck stuck stuck. now... for me... i have been able to keep mostly all of my weight off aside from the 26 lb gain after having the baby. i was seriously contemplating this. because I KNOW it would help me loose most of that 80. So i started reading it. One girl that just had it done says this "i've had the procedure in september (last month) and so far i have lost 21 pounds..." I think WOW thats awesome... she then goes on to say... "I have been on liquids for 2 weeks." uh... ok. so there is why you lost the 21 pounds. my brain starts to get all excited. I CAN DO THAT WITHOUT SURGERY!! I can just stick to liquids and drop 21 pounds that quick. The OTHER HALF of my brain is like.... UUUHH HELLOOO?? YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME... your OTHER half. the one that takes over when you get all excited like this!!!

I SIGH and am deflated and go... Oh yeah. YOU. Thats right. I forgot about YOU.

so THEN i think... hmm... so the surgery is a way to force myself to do that liquid thing. my two crazy halfs of my brain are now trying to work together and its a scary thing!

"Never act until you have answered the question 'What happens if I do nothing?'" - Robert Brault
"Love is borne from soul to soul on the wings of words." - Rudolph Steiner
Elizabeth M