Went to thearpy yesterday and my thearpist told me to go home put my leg up and put a ice pack on my leg and foot. I did that and it seem to help. He said I need to do this everyday till it is healed. They say a sprang can be worse than and crack or fracture sometimes. I'm going to go see my doc on Fri and he will probably tell me to get off of it too. Other than that I am doing great. Just not losing no weight, but I not back in the good eating habits yet. I am going to ask the doc to give me a diet to go by and see if I can follow it. I pray I can so I can get this extra pounds off. I need this off for my back and my legs. Love and Prayers dianalee
Hi DIanalee,
Hang in thing at a time. Worry about that weight later. lets get to helpin that leg. just cut back a little at a time. Cut out a little more sugar each day. Sugar and carbs is what makes us have those awful cravings... along with stress of course. Start small. You are doing great!!! Blessings!!!
Elizabeth M
Hang in thing at a time. Worry about that weight later. lets get to helpin that leg. just cut back a little at a time. Cut out a little more sugar each day. Sugar and carbs is what makes us have those awful cravings... along with stress of course. Start small. You are doing great!!! Blessings!!!
Elizabeth M