I'm Home
Hello everyone I am home an I am sorry I haven't been on here for over week. Since I have been home I have been some where everyday. Today has been a resting day. Because yesterday was a busy one. My daughter and I went to Branson. Do we have any RED HATTERS out there? Weill I am one and they had a convention at Branson Landing yesterday. Never saw so many red hats in my life. Then of course we ate and went to a show. Had a blast!!! It was good to get out with my daughter. She is so good to me!!
My legs are doing better the right one is still swollen and my foot also. Next week I am going to try and see my doc. But thearpy is getting me stronger all the time with the Lord help. How is everyone out there doing? Thank you again for caring. It means alot to know there is still people in this world who cares. You'll seem like kind and caring people. Well my bed is calling me, so I can get up for church in the morning. Love and Prayers Diana
My legs are doing better the right one is still swollen and my foot also. Next week I am going to try and see my doc. But thearpy is getting me stronger all the time with the Lord help. How is everyone out there doing? Thank you again for caring. It means alot to know there is still people in this world who cares. You'll seem like kind and caring people. Well my bed is calling me, so I can get up for church in the morning. Love and Prayers Diana
Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!! Glad you are up and feeling better, but like Marilyn said dont over do it , heal first. I have to ask being you went to Branson...ever been to that Sight and Sounds theater out there? We have one near my house and its fabulous! If you havent you MUST get daughter to take you to a show out there you'll love it! Anyway welcome back and glad your feeling better.