Reenie - Adirondacks...
When you take that hike in the Adirondacks I need to drill you for info! I write novels and unfortunately I haven't been there yet and a major portion of my books have stuff about the Adirondacks. can I drill you after your hike? :) I need to get my behind up there and see first hand. Maybe whenever I do I can meet you there!!!

Ahk, hope you are feeling better. I'm still coughing and its been 2 weeks now. 'sigh' i wish i could come by that would be so much fun! Unfortuantely a trip like that has to be well planned out for us (money wise). we are in such a place right now. I just went out and bought clothes for matt and katelyn because they've outgtrown everything and some work clothes for my husand and just the basic necessities like paper towels and cleaning products and just the basics and ended up spending 260!!! at wal mart!!! i SWEAR everything is so darned expensive right now. its killing me. anyways... i'm broke as they come for the moment. i want to get up there though and hike those mountains so i can see first hand. i look up and stuff but nothign is like first hand experience. you'll have to tell me how your hike went. What kind of animals are living there? any wolves anywhere up in those mountains?