oooo i get to respond first maybe
(I know everyone is proably groaning) heehee...
I liked it. I was highly entertained and she did very well. (Biden was better). I dont think she was wired either. I really honestly don't. I was surprised she handled herself well. She was nervous at first, but who wouldn't be? Biden was a cool cat. Smiling and laughing when she laid into him. She actually cracked me up a few times. Cracked him up and the audience up too. She did well. My opinion. I just don't agree with all that she said. But there were definitely a few points they sorta agreed on. I dont' know where I stand on drilling for oil in alaska... I think we should only because we are in economic crisis and depending on foreign oil for anything is not good at this point, BUT then again... if we go that route, I'm afraid that politicians will then not focus on the alternative energy and say... "hey we can put this off for awhile cuz we have all these tons of barrels of oil." so I'm not sure I am in agreement with drilling. I think the answer lies with alternative energy, BUT until we have that established (in the mean time) we need a resolution now for the economy and drilling makes sense. but im just so afraid that it will offset the work in getting alternative energy. Did that make sense??? i dont know. Im just not a big fan of drilling.
Biden name dropped my town... didya hear? claymont and wilmington etc... lol. He was giving a litlte shout out to us. My husband saw him alot in the gas station getting coffee where he was working on doing some tile work on a house around there a number of times.
When he got choked up about his kid in the war... oh man... I teared up. The war is also a point for me... I think we definitely need a timeline and a time to pull out... but i also think that they have to be stable before they do this and im not sure that they are. I think it should be the generals call then the final decision to the pres to be SURE that the army etc... feel secure enough to agree to a pull out. i think the troops that are there need more funding. im not talking about putting more money into the war and into iraq im talking SPECIFICALLY for our solders. Make sure they have all the equipemnt and clothing they need!!! I KNOW they havent based on the many men (husbands and sons) here at work that are over there and what we've sent them and have heard. Both have been bad about that. Obama AND McCain. makes me mad! i think we need to be sure that the iraqi army is secure. but we definitely need a timeline for a pull out. I think Obama is responsible enough to work with the general and come to the right agreement. I don't know what to think about iran vs pakistan and who is the worse threat. I sorta agree with obama... i think pakistan holds an enormous threat... but so does iran... ah... im with biden on that because he is a man who was vehement about iran and israel and such. i think all in all biden won hands down... but i have to give her credit on sticking it to those oil companies in her state and even biden gave her credit for that. It was all well and good but... not quite enough . but she did do well :) (Biden did better).
Oh, oh, oh! How could I forget! Her statements of expanding the job of the VP in the senate scared the bejeezus out of me. That's what Cheney does and frankly it goes against the Constitution. Never mind her taking over the presidency, I'm worried about her running the Senate.

Shes not ready for this. she just isnt.

I am dying to run into Biden though in Greenville here in DE. I want to ask him about Partial Birth and his thoughts about the ban. I wish my goofy husband would've said something to him. Even a hello... but he froze.

i also hated when she said. "Oh here you go Joe looking back to the past..." etc... well UUUMMM... (and he finally said something to this effect as well after she said that line a few times) the PAST is what shows us our mistakes... if we dont see what we did wrong in the past how can we correct things for the future... (dumb a$$)

she also mentioned that global warming wasn't all man made... for the most part it is... things are cyclical true, but there is scientific proof that we are ruinning the environment and that she had no facts to present was poor on her part ESPECIALLY since she is the quote "alsakan queen". Bad Show. But then "tradition" shows the republicans were never ones to focus on the environment. 'sigh' time for her and them to wake up. Thankfully many of them are... aside from the ones that truly count such as the presidential candidates. not good.
that was sooo funny... I couldn't resist. hahhaaa...
I didn't notice her winking. How the heck did i miss that? I saw the dumb ol debate twice. I kept shifting my gaze though to my computer. Gosh we can't compare her to any sound woman in politics. I don't want her running my country either. I just can't believe that McCain chose her. That to me...made him loose the election. With his health and age...God Forbid... I seriously don't think anyone would want her as president. Has to be the worst call. The only thing I liked that she did was that she stuck it to those oil company when they got that gov tax break she didn't agree with but... thats it. Biden agreed and gave her credit for it... but that was like IT. the ONLY thing and she kept reverting back to that and being a hockey mom. when she was rambling about talking to the women on how the economic crisis affects their life and savings and college... i kept thinking uh... No DUH. AND Your point and your plan is what?????
we know you know now what are you going to do about it??? As if biden and obama don't take into consideration that this is what is on everyones minds. We ALL know that is what everyone is thinking about. she was yammering.
so when he pulled up his personal experiences --- as painful as they were --- to show... hey lady you arent the only on that can relate...Good for him and cudos for having the guts to drudge up the painful past to prove a point and get her off her "I'm the hockey mom I can relate better than you" kick she was on. it caught her off guard and i think she drew a blank when he pulled that on her.
Diplomacy... there is another big deciding factor for me... Obama all the way with that. I want to know how incredibly DANGEROUS it is for us to sit down with our mortal enemies and talk. Everyone talks about the dangers and such... because one country would be angry if we did so??? But dont we have to know our enemy? Dont we have to get into their minds?? how are we going to do this if we cut off all talks with our enemies? I just dont get that. I just dont. someone explain this to me.
just sayin
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White