Debate Tonite !!

on 10/2/08 12:02 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
This one is important, guys! Please watch it and ask yourself this simple question: which of these two candidates can I see leading this country out of our current economic crisis; healing America's relationship with the rest of the world; strengthening our relationships with our current allies and strategically building new allies through diplomacy and intelligence, not arrogant and ignorant unilaterialism? The principle role of the vice president is to step into the role of the presidency should that need arise - God knows, in looking at both of our presidential nominees (a very old man with a history of cancer - 4 times, once as recent as last year; and a black man whom radical factions in this country do not want to see in office) the liklihood of either of these V.P.'s having to step into the presidency is - God I hate to say this - is higher than we would normally expec****ch the debate and ask yourself these questions. Intelligence. Diplomacy. Fairmindedness. The best interests of all constituents, not the privleged few. Then, make your decision. Love you, Maureen
on 10/2/08 12:51 am
wish biden was running for pres.    I like Biden. sooo... that does help to swing my vote. gotta watch tonight. and yeah... i think the chosen running vps will definitely be a serious deciding factor in this race. I have heard palin say the DUMBEST things!!!!  with my own ears that I just went WHAAATT???  like what experience did she have in foreign affairs and she said that BLFPB...     ok she said that since she lives in alaska and canada is right there and russia is right there that they have had russian air crafts in their air space.

uh... what?     Boy oh Boy she's got my vote! I'd say she's overqualified now!!! 

This one is the worst: they asked her why she feels she is a good choice for VP
she says::  you ready for this??? because I wasn't.....

she says that she was captain of her basketball team and they went to the championships so she knows what its like to lead people to victory. (not exact words my memory isn't that good but thats very close to what she said I SWEAR!) -

  yes she compared running the country to being on a high school basket ball team. oh lord help us all.

Like I said... I'm a DE girl and I like Biden.

on 10/2/08 1:32 am - Glendale, AZ
Well... following the logic of "you can see Russia from some parts of Alaska" and that qualifies her to handle foreign affairs...  and being captain of the basketball team is a resume builder for leading people to victory...

I'm sure she's used an ATM at some point in her life so why don't we just let Palin solve the financial crisis?
on 10/2/08 1:46 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with

on 10/2/08 1:02 am
Ill be watching.....probably another free for all joke fest, none of them in my opinion or worth a pot of beans, lord help us all 
on 10/2/08 1:44 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I didn't hear the basketball analogy, Good Lord ... listen, as much as I wish I could laugh about it, having Sarah Palin this close to the presidency has me TERRIFIED   But I will predict that she will surprise people tonight; because I believe she will be wired. That's right, I believe she will have someone speaking into her pretty little ear, coaching her through the answers - like George Bush was during his last presidential debate in 2004. These are the SCARIEST times this world has ever known - I mean that sincerely. If we can all look beyond partisanship and into the Global Crystal Ball - look at the big picture, the World View, starting with what's happening in our own country - then, take a bird's eye view, one at a time, at: North Korea; Iran; the Middle East; China; Russia; Africa; the polar ice caps -- we must get a leader into the White House who at least stands a chance of turning this very ugly tide.  One more thought - I figured it out last night, about John McCain. I had an epiphany. That is one seething angry Dude. He tries to hide it but if you look at that debate, what did you see? A vicious, angry, hostile, defensive, old man who had nothing of substance to say about anything. And not once could he look at Obama. He's presented much the same defensive, angry demeanor in many of his recent interviews. And it hit me. This is a man who has never resolved what happened to him in Viet Nam. How could he have? How could anyone have endured what he endured as a POW for five years? IT'S NOT "COUNTRY FIRST" FOR JOHN McCAIN. IT'S "COUNTRY OWES ME" FOR JOHN McCAIN! He is really, really angry about what happened to him (rightly so, and this is all very deeply sub-conscious, he's not aware of this) - so this crusade of his to be president is about getting what's DUE him, not about leading this country with dignity, honor, honesty, intelligence, and diplomacy. And let's not forget JUDGMENT. Sarah Palin??? Ok, I'm done.  Your Reenie
on 10/2/08 2:07 am
yeah he does have a temper. but i dont think everything he said was bad to me... he did make some good points and had the facts down.. BUT the thing about him is that he over did it. ... he wanted everyone to know sooo bad that he knew all their names and all the details that it came across as "Ive done this and I know his name and I've done that" but it seemed.... overdone. too much name dropping. he was trying way to hard to convince america that he's quote "In the Know" Obama didn't go that route and if you weren't really watching and listening you would get the sense that obama didn't know as much as mccain. BUT he did and does.  

Mccain used the term "What Senator Obama doesn't understand is..." a whole heck of alot and I give Obama credit for not snapping on him for using that line about fifty times. but i can't say mccain didn't make some good points. while i think obama held himself with alot of grace etc... i think he should've given us a little more... do a little more name dropping himself. just so we can understand a little deeper what he has planned. because i know the man is planning. He's a planner... but not much of a revealer. but thats not always a bad thing... but then again it can be. just never know with politicians. aside from pba im on obamas side totally. yet i still have an uneasy feeling about some things he is not revealing... i have this intuitive feeling that he is not exactly ... i dont even know how to put it... saying all that he truly feels because he is afraid of what americans might think of his true opinions??? don't know. can't put my finger on it. i think obama is a bit angry himself... but not sure exactly what about. but then again there is so much to really be angry over right now!  i'm angry too soo...
on 10/2/08 3:27 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Well, if he is so knowledgeable and "in the know" seems to me he would "know" how to pronounce the names of those he is so familiar with. Oh, Elizabeth, he doesn't even know Middle Eastern geography!  He knows talking points! That's all. My dear friend, you are Hoodwinked! I'm with your husband on this one, all the way... and those emails you are getting are nothing but Right Wing Propoganda ... of course, there's left wing propoganda as well - that's my point. We have to get BEYOND it and find the truth in it. There was great substance in what Obama had to say during the debate, and strength, and vision - you need to step back and ask yourself why you didn't hear it.  Why do you think the polls have so strongly swung in his favor since that debate? Not for any other reason except people saw these two men side by side and for those people who were undecided (in the hundreds of thousands) and who have the ability to LISTEN beyond party politics (I am guilty as well, I have to work really hard at going beyond my party platform), they saw in Obama a leader, a future president. They saw in McCain an angry, bitter attack dog who had nothing of real relevance to say.
on 10/2/08 5:01 am
welll im not hoodwinked as i havent made any decisions yet. and mostly because i dont wholeheartedly believe what ANY politician spouts.I dont make decisions based on emails. i am very aware of left and right wing propoganda... i just cant help myself when the snicker comes out and i have to post the silly stuff... and most of it is all silly for the most part anyway... heck...if the president does a good job of running the country the man should be paid. i have nothing against that. it just cracks me up that people think these emails are the deciding factor for voters. We are intelligent enough to investigate on our own. you should see some of the ones i get... OH heh...i got one that said obama made the mistake of saying there were 57 states instead of 52 and the spokes people for him said he was just tired and it was an honest slip... then they went on to reveal that there are 57 islamic states and that obama was giving a secret message to americans. 'SNORT' chuckle...    'sigh' i  thought it was really a stretch and funny. but then i thought... wow...people may actually believe this stuff...that was a scary thought. but you know those scared gullible people are out there.

I like to look at everything in detail. Im very analytical and pick things apart. if i get stuff in my email i look into it. some of it is funny and cant help myself but post and chuckle. Some i take seriously and look into it to see if its true. like how the market crash began... did it truly begin under the clinton administration???... what happened to our economy when we voted in a democratic congress in 2006? did our numbers decline then?? or was it something else? etc.... ..   anywhoo....I still think mccain made a  few good points. but i guess thats just my opinion. I dont think everything he said was crap. And i also didn't agree with everything Mccain said. in fact there was alot I didn't quite agree with actually. i also think that they BOTH agreed on a few issues but didn't WANT to agree on them and dissagreed on the details... there was alot of that undercurrent going on that was almost odd.  

Obama made very good points. i agreed more with obama but just wish obama said more. but then in his defense I started thinking you know... he just didnt seem like he had the chance. mccain was long winded. I think obama had alot more to say but refrained. which probably served him well. since mccain was trying so darn hard to get it all out and "look good" ... I just want to know more. i like to hear obama speak but sometimes i feel he doesnt say enough...   i can step a FEW steps back and still know there are things he left out. even my husband agrees on that. And yeah thats happening on both sides of course. but when someone spoust things that just sound THAT DARN GOOD you have to take a step back and go ... ok... wait.... i totally agree... but how are we going to "afford" to do this??  we have to quetion how we can accompli**** He explained some things that i was in agreement on , but not nearly enough. and im NOT saying mccain did. we know he didn't. There are issues that i know i dont agree with on BOTH sides. im pretty much decided on my vote, but i still want more.
on 10/2/08 5:41 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Here's what I'm predicting will happen tonight - Sarah Palin is going to do well. She's going to surprise everyone and here's why - she's going to be wired. That's right, she's going to have a little bud in her pretty little ear and someone who is factual and knowledgable and intelligent is going to be feeding her the answers to the questions as they are received by her - and if anything, she's a good little monkey, she can get up there and perform quite well as she proved at the republican convention - that speech was completely written by someone else, not a word of it was hers, but she sure OWNED it, didn't she. Watch her tonight as she owns someone else's voice, the one that's whispering sweet everythings in her ear... stay tuned! M.
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