WORK ...whats that?..Actually Im home bored stiff...I dont want to clean and nobody to talk to but the dogs
....I tell you I am seriously thinking of going back to work next year after daughter graduates and Im done with all these school things. I left work to focus on getting her help with school cause it seemed like I was always at meetings with them raising hell all the time. Thank God....hopefully this is the last year! Oh well a few more months of fishing , meetings, and talking to the dogs
....I'll survive. Then again do I really want to deal with a boss? Hmmm....naaaaaaah ask me again next week, I change by the minute

Ummm drank coffee and read the paper? hehehe....OHHHH Im just a burst of sunshine today
sarcastic too lol....hey though thank you for the compliment , sometimes my kids dont think that way, if they are good Ill back them up all I can...if they arent its death!!! well darn near it...their favorite word for me is slave driver. Though I would prefer CHIEF WARDEN!