VOTE! Dang It!
connie...thank you!
ya know- i have to pray that if something happens to me it's thru a car accident (God forbid) so that someone else's insurance would cover it
i was a Hillary supporter-i am having some issues about
obama tho i will probly vote for him -the alternative scares the heck outta issues are not the race card tho--and it's funny-my mother and brother will NOT vote for him due to race and yet our heritage was very strong Quakers who fought hard for the Underground Railroad
and were instrumental
n theKentucky Raid in Michigan(google it--when it talks about the East farm in Constantine Michigan that was my 5th great grampa-maybe it was my 6th????i'm sure our ancestors look down and are ashamed at my mother for her bigotry.....
anyhow--it frightens me to think of more republican years..oh Godit frightens me...we are actually looking into moving to Panama-expatriotism...yet i am so wrapped infinding and documenting my Revoluonary War Patriots and my pride in my confusing.....
please vote- by not voting it is the same as voting against what you believe....i am old enough that i was one of the 1st18 year olds who could vote!!!!!!! i just found out the other night that i am related to Elizabeth Cady Stanton- THE first woman's folks! for me, for marilyn,,,,for your kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews.....
btw what is up that as i try to correct my typing it is deleting out teh next words??????? so --i was one of teh first 18 year olds who could vote was what i tried to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reenie- we had a realtor here today- i am afraid to know what she thinks our house should list at--i know what my mortgage is and it is killing me- yet i prob;y won't be able to sell.....
ya know- i have to pray that if something happens to me it's thru a car accident (God forbid) so that someone else's insurance would cover it
i was a Hillary supporter-i am having some issues about
obama tho i will probly vote for him -the alternative scares the heck outta issues are not the race card tho--and it's funny-my mother and brother will NOT vote for him due to race and yet our heritage was very strong Quakers who fought hard for the Underground Railroad
and were instrumental
n theKentucky Raid in Michigan(google it--when it talks about the East farm in Constantine Michigan that was my 5th great grampa-maybe it was my 6th????i'm sure our ancestors look down and are ashamed at my mother for her bigotry.....
anyhow--it frightens me to think of more republican years..oh Godit frightens me...we are actually looking into moving to Panama-expatriotism...yet i am so wrapped infinding and documenting my Revoluonary War Patriots and my pride in my confusing.....
please vote- by not voting it is the same as voting against what you believe....i am old enough that i was one of the 1st18 year olds who could vote!!!!!!! i just found out the other night that i am related to Elizabeth Cady Stanton- THE first woman's folks! for me, for marilyn,,,,for your kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews.....
btw what is up that as i try to correct my typing it is deleting out teh next words??????? so --i was one of teh first 18 year olds who could vote was what i tried to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reenie- we had a realtor here today- i am afraid to know what she thinks our house should list at--i know what my mortgage is and it is killing me- yet i prob;y won't be able to sell.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
See... I was a Hillary supporter as well and still bummed to death about it. Anywhoo.... the Delaware elections went well... we have a man in there that is all about Universal Health care! :) so thats good to know :) Gov of DE is for it! I was excited about that. I am afraid with Obama but like you said.... even more afraid with McCain. soooooo.... I think I know where my vote is going i am just having moral issues with it in regards to PBA. My vote is NOT based on race whatsoever. I think it would be really cool that he would be the first black president just as I thought it would be cool for Hillary being the first woman if she had run. But my vote is based on the issues and what that person can do not race. That would be voting blindly.
EVERYONE WATCH THE MOVIE "SICKO" you wanne see aaaalllllll about what is going on in this country with healthcare this is the movie!!! left my mouth wide open. its a documentary with michael moore. yeah i know "him" but the movie is damned good and he took these volunteers from the trade center that worked there and are now suffering with lung problems and were DENIED medical coverage and DYING and took them to CUBA and got them pefect medical help and actually pretty much saved one of their lives. THey also got prescription inhalers for like cents compared it costing hundreds of dollars here. Are we being ripped off or what and despite what is being said to scare people about 3rd world nations and their medical facilities and thats how we would end up if we did universal health care... cuba was STOCKED with top of the line equipment!!! i was flabbergasted by what he exposed. and sooooooo sad by how we have neglected our own people. its an absolute DISGRACE!!! these big companies are feeling it now and it serves them right for destroying our good country. THis is what GREED
has brought about!
it just sucks that we are suffering as well. darn it all! we all have to PRAY!
EVERYONE WATCH THE MOVIE "SICKO" you wanne see aaaalllllll about what is going on in this country with healthcare this is the movie!!! left my mouth wide open. its a documentary with michael moore. yeah i know "him" but the movie is damned good and he took these volunteers from the trade center that worked there and are now suffering with lung problems and were DENIED medical coverage and DYING and took them to CUBA and got them pefect medical help and actually pretty much saved one of their lives. THey also got prescription inhalers for like cents compared it costing hundreds of dollars here. Are we being ripped off or what and despite what is being said to scare people about 3rd world nations and their medical facilities and thats how we would end up if we did universal health care... cuba was STOCKED with top of the line equipment!!! i was flabbergasted by what he exposed. and sooooooo sad by how we have neglected our own people. its an absolute DISGRACE!!! these big companies are feeling it now and it serves them right for destroying our good country. THis is what GREED

Elizabeth, here's my prediction with an Obama administration with regard to abortion rights, including PBA. Listen, I hate it as much as you do - I will walk shoulder to shoulder with you in any protest again PBA in any part of the country. At the same time, I will ask you to walk shoulder to shoulder with me in my proclamation that I am PRO LIFE, even though I support a woman's right to choose - I am PRO LIFE for the babies that are born into this world by women who never wanted them, by women who got pregnant carelessly without so much as thinking about the possibility of getting pregnant or having a baby; by women who are babies themselves, who haven't a clue how to take care of a baby; by women and their abusive boyfriends or husbands who end up doing atrocious things to those babies and children just because they engaged in an animalistic sex act that produced a baby that they didn't want and don't know how to or want to take care of. I am PRO LIFE for those babies and those children! Let's take care of the babies that are here! And LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO EDUCATE YOUNG GIRLS AND YOUNG BOYS AND WOMEN ESPECIALLY TO NOT BECOME PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE IF THEY DON'T WANT A BABY YET! Let's walk shoulder to shoulder to prevent unwanted pregnancies. That's Obama's agenda. He is not PRO-ABORTION. All you need to is to look at that man when he is with his two daughters. He adores them and they adore him. He wants to bring both sides to the table and have folks work together to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country. He will NOT overturn the existing laws, I do not believe that for a moment. Ok, I'm done. Love you guys - and hope you still love me back! Maureen
I don't know Maureen... that is where I am a little dissapointed in him. When he spoke and said he was pro choice (SAID) as I watched him on tv talking about it... so there is no disolusion there... I look at him... i see what you do. he has children... he seems decent . I don't truly believe that he believes that, yet HE SAID IT. so if thats the case i am dissapointed in him for not standing for what he truly believes in. BUT it doesnt make me believe hes some shifty character... dont get me wrong here... i just dont care that he didn't say what he truly believes in. unless he is pro choice.
who knows. But I pretty much shrug it off due to his democratic position. its just their thing. the pro choice issue. so i dont know. I'll just have to march with you shoulder to shoulder if the pba is threatened to be lifted!!! i'm sure ill vote for obama or not vote at all. which i cant do that. so.... i'm just still struggling with it. im pro-life so its a very hard decision for me. yet i have voted democratic in the past many times. just seeing and reading about pba freaked me out so bad. im still sickened by it.

Wow, you could give one heck of a fascinating presentation of racial implications on familial histiography! And I'm so glad you brought this issue up. This is an issue that has really contributed to making me feel so incredibly sad these last few months - that we still live in a country - in a world - where people think they are better than others because their skin color is a lighter hue - do you comprehend that??? A world where people actually believe, "I'm white, you're black - I'm more human, you're more ape." I simply cannot see my way through that sort of hate. NPR was doing some exit polling in West Virginia during the primaries, and a woman actually said after saying she voted for Clinton, "I ain't voting for no ****** for president." Right on the air. I was driving. I had to pull the car over and stop because I started to cry so hard. I don't see black when I see Obama - I see decency. I don't hear black when I listen to Obama. I hear intelligence and fairness and diplomacy. Just like I don't see white when I see McCain. And I don't see female when I see Clinton. I just want the best person regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual preference - I want the best person to do right by ALL OF US. He must be the president of the UNITED STATES - that means he must represent the interests of EVERY U.S. CITIZEN to the best of his ability. There is only one person that I see that has the forsight to be WILLING to do that - and the wisdom to maybe somehow be ABLE to pull it off.
I'm very, very afraid that what we may see is the Bradley Effect during this election.
Google the Bradley Effect because this dang site will not let me paste in a site for you to go to.
The Man and I were having a conversation last Spring about the election. We have many conversations each and every day about the election. I said that I was very afraid that when push came to shove, white people would start to feel nervous about voting for a black candidate. It is one thing to vote for a black candidate during a primary and talk politically correct retoric. It's another thing to walk the talk when you actually go to pull the lever in the presidential election. I grew up in a small town in Kansas and felt discrimination on a daily basis because my father was Native American and both of my parents are deaf. I had rocks thrown at me. Some of the parents in the neigborhood wouldn't let their kids play wth me because deafness might have been contagious. This was only 40 years go and we're talking about a bi-racial kid with disabled parents. I can't imagine what kind of discrimination the black kids in town experienced. The Man argued that the country had come a long way and he didn't feel that race is as big an issue as I do. Polls are now showing that race is indeed an issue and there are white people who are nervous about a black candidate. And when did we forget that Obama's mother was white? When did we forget that he was raised in the same house with his white grandparents? For those who are inclined to see Obama as black, why don't they see the other half of the equation?
So here we are... My cultural identity is white and I'm a staunch democrat. I have little faith that this country can set racial bias aside enough not have it impact the election. The Man is black and has voted Republican in every election since he was 18. In spite of being chased by the KKK as a child... In spite of being pulled over in his Mercedes by the police in Scottsdale a year ago to ask what he was doing in a white neighborhood... In spite of being forced to drink out of separate water fountains as a child... In spite of the fact that he is a Phd, and a cop, and retired as a Commander in the Navy Reserves and did 4 tours of Iraq, he is followed by store security when he shops in better department stores. In spite of the discrimination he has experienced, he has faith that this country has come far enough that it is not an issue. I hope he's right.
Google the Bradley Effect because this dang site will not let me paste in a site for you to go to.
The Man and I were having a conversation last Spring about the election. We have many conversations each and every day about the election. I said that I was very afraid that when push came to shove, white people would start to feel nervous about voting for a black candidate. It is one thing to vote for a black candidate during a primary and talk politically correct retoric. It's another thing to walk the talk when you actually go to pull the lever in the presidential election. I grew up in a small town in Kansas and felt discrimination on a daily basis because my father was Native American and both of my parents are deaf. I had rocks thrown at me. Some of the parents in the neigborhood wouldn't let their kids play wth me because deafness might have been contagious. This was only 40 years go and we're talking about a bi-racial kid with disabled parents. I can't imagine what kind of discrimination the black kids in town experienced. The Man argued that the country had come a long way and he didn't feel that race is as big an issue as I do. Polls are now showing that race is indeed an issue and there are white people who are nervous about a black candidate. And when did we forget that Obama's mother was white? When did we forget that he was raised in the same house with his white grandparents? For those who are inclined to see Obama as black, why don't they see the other half of the equation?
So here we are... My cultural identity is white and I'm a staunch democrat. I have little faith that this country can set racial bias aside enough not have it impact the election. The Man is black and has voted Republican in every election since he was 18. In spite of being chased by the KKK as a child... In spite of being pulled over in his Mercedes by the police in Scottsdale a year ago to ask what he was doing in a white neighborhood... In spite of being forced to drink out of separate water fountains as a child... In spite of the fact that he is a Phd, and a cop, and retired as a Commander in the Navy Reserves and did 4 tours of Iraq, he is followed by store security when he shops in better department stores. In spite of the discrimination he has experienced, he has faith that this country has come far enough that it is not an issue. I hope he's right.