we've all had times where we've posted without anyone replying back to us but hey we got to write what was bothering us at the time. Thats a great way to help think though something that is bothering us.
sometimes I read a posting but don't have any words to reply with. Thats when i'm wrapped up in my own brain trying to fight the food demons.
Heres a confession.......I ate 2 servings of chocolate animal crackers then threw the bag away.
No Way, No Way can you leave this board. Maybe for a few days, but you can not
leave permanently. Yes the world is very scary right now in so many ways. We have
all been through so much in the past4 plus years almost 5, which is so hard to imagine
some days. But, we all need each other & need this board to at least see some day light
out of some of the everyday garbage.
I just spent 2 days in the hospital with my health issues & don't have a clue how I am
going to pay for the 2 days. No insurance & only working part time. The State is
suppose to pick up some of it, but, we will see.
After the 2 days the good news is I have no more infection in my kidney & the kidneys
& liver are all working, but after lots of tests they still cannot tell me where this paid in
my lower back is coming from the still is there.
So go get different depression drugs laugh, smile, and know that YES you are loved here
& we still need you, so don't leave please!!!
Ladybug Marilyn

Love ya!!!!
Ok... I want to tell you this in direct relation:
I was SERIOUSLY thinking the same thing today about how people don't respond to me... but not on here....
I have written one long note to one of my oldest and dearest friends and have not received one response. Actually thats not true... I have written her THREE letters. and no response. Know what I get from her? some stupid forward about politics but no personal response to my long letters that tells me she actually gave 2 craps about anything i wrote.
I wrote to my cousin in Michigan... no repsonse.
I wrote to my cousin in PA...TWICE a long note about the kids and how was she doing and how are the kids we have to get together for lunch...NOTHING no response.
I wrote to my best friend from high school and even called her. NO RESPONSE!!!! I left her three messages. Nothing for weeks.
I wrote to my other friend from delaware whom I usualyl have lunch with and miss her and she did NOT write back.
I don't understand it. I'm nice to them. I haven't done anything that they could be angry with me over... so i figure...maybe they just dont like me. but most likely its because they are hung up in their own lives. (im keeping to that view because its most likely the one thats right. I HOPE!!!)
So BELIEVE me I feel probably worse than you do right now when it comes to that because just this morning I was SOOO sad because no one seems to want to talk to me and I keep wondering if something is really wrong with me. Am I annoying? (probably, Though I'm told Im a quiet person. often) Do people truly not like me? Who knows... it hurts big time... but here... we all love you Maureen and answer you most the time. Sometimes we/I get hung up on life for a few days... but I'll always read and respond. Unless I over look it. :) Hang in there sweetie I know how you feel!!!