A Load of crap to be blunt....

on 9/19/08 10:20 pm
 Do you all want to hear a load of total crap even if you dont here it is...Yesterday....my daughter who has been fighting an infection which Im sure she contracted from her school had a follow up doctors appt., one I was unable to go to with her due to a family emergency. So I let her drive my car to her school with a note explaining she had a appt. and my permission to drive to the technical HS and leave intime to make her 2: 45 appt.,,,, heres the kicker...the asst. Vice principle took it upon herself to say My daughter had plenty of time to get to her appt from her regular school  which by the way lets out at 2;45....she suspended her for one day. I told her on the phone....that I had sent a note, Rachael is a new driver, and with her disability its alot harder for her to play catch up and suspending her is setting her back even more. Her reply is our parking lot is over full and students need 24 hour notice to be able to drive with permission from the principle from both school. I asked what if I had an emergency like today...she had no answer. Meanwhile my daughter is suspended for Monday. I am so pissed I am spitting nails right now. I have to also go to a conference with this moron on Tuesday morning so  my daughter can be admitted back into school. This is a load of crap...you got kids who drop out, skip school and you get one who goes and trys so hard then OH LETS SUSPEND HER for coming....I guess on Tuesday I should be in rare form after having all weekend to get even madder...I want to unleash the beast on this woman but then again Im afraid if I do, they might make life alot harder on my daughter, damned if you do damned if you dont. Well I got 3 days to plot my plan with this idiot. Give me your alls input cause I know being me , Im not going to be quiet on this one, its not right.
Marilyn C.
on 9/20/08 1:42 am - Bullhead City, AZ
I could maybe see the suspension if she had wrote the note herself, but, she did not & You admitted that the note was from you & she really did have the appt. Sounds to me
like you have a right to be mad over this.
Go Get Him!!!
Ladybug Marilyn
on 9/20/08 6:14 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
I say call your local television station let them ask their viewers what they think!

It would make me spit nails too.
on 9/20/08 7:27 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
You know, every day I keep looking for signs of life of people who are genuine and kind and decent and intelligent and wake up in the morning with the ability to make their decisions with a modicum of common sense - and every day I get to be a little more disappointed and disillusioned than the day before... for the sake of this school "administrator" - ??? Better you than me... Your daughter is so lucky to have you - put your best Mom face forward and do whatever you have to do for the sake of your daughter. Be well, Kim
on 9/21/08 3:15 am - Glendale, AZ
OK, Ms. Kim...  I've had lots of interactions with moronic school officials and the State of Arizona has paid taxpayer money to send me to mediation training so I'm going to give you my best advice from both perspectives.

Were this my child, when I walked into the meeting I would take a deep breath, forget that the VP is a short-sighted simpleton and focus on doing what is best for Rachael.  Get agreement from the very onset that you are all working in Rachael's best interest.  The result of the meeting should be a solution that helps Rachael succeed.  Ask them what you should do should a similar cir****tance present itself.  Agree on what the plan will be going forward.  Then ask them to remove the suspension from Rachael's record.  You can't get the time back, but you can clear her record.  You are not out of line in writing down what you all agree on and having everyone sign it.

Fight for your kid, but fight in a measured, rational, steady way that is not going to get Rachael in trouble with the VP.  If youcan't get a resolution that you think is fair, make an appointment with the principal and keep elevating it until you get a resolution you can live with.  I'd also document all steps that you've taken and dates and times and names of everyone you've talked with on this issue.

Hang in there.

on 9/21/08 5:43 am
Thank you all for your inputs...and Connie I do agree with what you are saying...thats my plan. One note though...this mixed me up abit, I did ask about it being on her permanent record when I was on the phone with her, I thought once on, it stayed...the VP told me it only follows only for this year that times have changed since I went to school. Have you all ever heard of that? I am going to bring that up again definatly...it wont remain on her record if I have to go all the way up the ladder to the school board. Breath deeeeep Breath deeep... argggg I hate idiots! 
Joan Stonehill
on 9/21/08 9:49 am - TN
At least you have a little time to cool off.  I would probably go in there and give the vp a detailed description of the situation and ask her, as a mother, what she would have done.  I would also want to know where the 24 hour rule was written.  Sometimes they make stuff up to suit their feelings at the moment.  I would also bring it to the attention of the principal.  Situations come up and should be dealt with accordingly.  Punishing the student in this situation is clearly not the answer.  Stand up for your rights in a calm and logical manner and you'll get much more done.

Just my opinion.....

PS---yes, I'm still alive.  The company has not stopped and I am still swamped here.  Counting the days down until vacation....I can't wait.
on 9/21/08 1:46 pm - Rockford, IL
OK...I am so confused...
your daughter got suspended for driving TO the school????

you sent a note that said she needed to leave early and they suspended her????

definitely ask to see where the 24 hour rule is written... and when it was added.

ask what the policy is for emregency situations...there has to be one

if your daughter has a disability is she using a 504 plan or an IEP???
if so bring her case manager to the meeting with you. 

a 1 day suspension honestly isn't a big deal on a permanent record card, on our cards which go from K - 12 th grade there isn't even a place for that kind of stuff, final grades, attendance, test scores, address changes...uhm...sped stuff... that is it...

hope you get it all straightened out!
on 9/21/08 11:27 pm, edited 9/21/08 11:28 pm
Alright Ive decided what Im going to do....my main goal is keeping it off her permanent record...Im not going to raise hell Like I want to do, Im going to remain calm...if its removed from her record then Ill let it go...but on the other hand if I get another load of crap...Im going to request a formal meeting with the principle, her case manager, and a representative from the school board. Then it will become a free for all, where I will insist on seeing county written policies for such offences, dates they were implemented, who approved them, emergency policies and such. And what the standard reprocussions are. Also then I will fire off that in Rachaels IEP she is to be given a warning first, then possible detention, and if all fails suspension is a last measure to be taken  which after a meeting with her parents and case manager is held. Right there they are not following her IEP with the way it was handled, but Im sure MS. VP hasnt even read the IEP. Think Ill bring a copy incase I need to show just who is following rules and who isnt. This should be interesting, but Ill be more then ready....ITS ON!!! 
on 9/22/08 11:53 pm
WOo hoo! you go girl! Go get them! honestly... why dont they focus on the children who are doing things WRONG (too much like right and they might have some work to do). not the ones who are doing things right and its a simple...time issue but a relevant doctor excuse.  The whole thing is ridiculous. that VP is a dolt. needless to say. So many kids out there are smoking, cutting, in trouble etc... why would they punish the good kids like your daughter. Its a complete disgrace! GO GET EM! 
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