Hi everyone. Boy, I'm just flat out tired. How is everyone doing? I've been caught up with Devin and his going backwards in his behavior - seems starting up school has brought out the worst in him again, the apathy, disrespect, just plain doesn't care about anything. Getting worse and worse and no therapists or doctor can help... talk about feeling alone with this, geez... Otherwise, I have been really caught up in getting Laela ready for her Dutch inspection, where the judges come over to the states from the Netherlands and rate each Friesian horse in every region of the country so that they get placed in the Dutch studbook based on their premium rating. Laela's inspection was yesterday - I posted a photo of her on my profile page if you want to see her. She didn't earn a premium (ster) rating, just studbook mare, which is fairly good - no matter, she owns my heart and I think she is beautiful, what do you think? (it's the last photo in my photos). So I'm plugging along - I eat pretty healthily and I stay active, it's just the damned chocolate that has me by the throat Big Time! Can you believe, really believe, it's been almost FIVE YEARS??? Connie, how are you feeling, are you on the mend? Dina, how are you doing? I emailed you but haven't heard back from you, I'm worried? How is everyon? Love you guys, here's to a sane and healthy weekend. M.
Hey Reenie
Sorry you are still going thru so much with Devin, I wish I had some answers for you to
help you cope. Without having kids I would not be much help, but I will send a big hug if that might help.
Laela is a beautiful horse & you have a really good friend there!! Enjoy her as much as
possible & I know you already do.
Love you
Ladybug Marilyn
Sorry you are still going thru so much with Devin, I wish I had some answers for you to
help you cope. Without having kids I would not be much help, but I will send a big hug if that might help.

Laela is a beautiful horse & you have a really good friend there!! Enjoy her as much as
possible & I know you already do.
Love you
Ladybug Marilyn

Laela is simply gorgeous. Nothing takes my breath away more than watching a horse run across a pasture.
Again, I'm feeling your pain in dealing with teenage angst. I never thought I'd survive my son's angst ridden teens. One of my staff is dealing with her teenage daughter's cutting. I ran into another friend's daughter the other day and she has scars up and down her arms from all the cutting she did years earlier. You know, as difficult as it is to watch our teenagers go through all of this turmoil, it's ten times more anguishing to be in their heads. Their pain is very real and very consuming for them. I'll take my old lady aches and pains over being an angst ridden teenager any day of the week.
I'm doing as well as I can. Pnuemonia is gone and now just back to battling the back and hips and kidneys. It's always a good day when I'm battling 3 physical issues instead of 4. The arthritis and disk issues have been pretty unbearable lately so I make it through work and am wiped out by the time I get home. I get a new injection this week so am hoping that will bring some relief. Good news is that I'm not battling bulging disks and Rheumatoid Arthritis with 130 extra pounds on my frame. How painful would that be?
Lots of love,
Again, I'm feeling your pain in dealing with teenage angst. I never thought I'd survive my son's angst ridden teens. One of my staff is dealing with her teenage daughter's cutting. I ran into another friend's daughter the other day and she has scars up and down her arms from all the cutting she did years earlier. You know, as difficult as it is to watch our teenagers go through all of this turmoil, it's ten times more anguishing to be in their heads. Their pain is very real and very consuming for them. I'll take my old lady aches and pains over being an angst ridden teenager any day of the week.
I'm doing as well as I can. Pnuemonia is gone and now just back to battling the back and hips and kidneys. It's always a good day when I'm battling 3 physical issues instead of 4. The arthritis and disk issues have been pretty unbearable lately so I make it through work and am wiped out by the time I get home. I get a new injection this week so am hoping that will bring some relief. Good news is that I'm not battling bulging disks and Rheumatoid Arthritis with 130 extra pounds on my frame. How painful would that be?
Lots of love,
First of all, that horse is just beautiful. I am a huge animal lover and she just looks like such a sweetheart.
Secondly, call me the eternal optomist, but I think there is help for Devin out there if he wants to be helped. When things weren't quite right with my kids, I turned over every rock I could find until something popped out. I talked to every doctor who would listen, and eventually something pulled through.'s not easy and I do feel for you.
Take care, be well and keep us posted!
Yes, we do have to get together....I would love soon as the dust settles.
Optomistically yours,
Secondly, call me the eternal optomist, but I think there is help for Devin out there if he wants to be helped. When things weren't quite right with my kids, I turned over every rock I could find until something popped out. I talked to every doctor who would listen, and eventually something pulled through.'s not easy and I do feel for you.
Take care, be well and keep us posted!
Yes, we do have to get together....I would love soon as the dust settles.
Optomistically yours,
I know I have no place or knowledge of things such as horses, their price and teenagers aside from being one myself at one point and going through all the I hate the world depression... but... I had an idea though... You're son...being the age and the disrespect and all of that that goes with the never ending teenage angst and bottom out despair... its all the teenage mind seems to focus on... i'm thinking... refocus. which that in itself would probably take a miracle. BUT... and this is a big but being with expenses and your son's interest and his anger at liking whatever mom would like at this point... BUT... since you are into horses... do you think... maybe... if financially possible... find some horse that is in need of help... somehow... not directly saying right out... but perhaps getting a horse specificially for your son to "rescue??" or does he have a horse of his own already?? It would be a big distraction for him and maybe by him "caring" for a horse or an animal, he will not "forget" but focus his attention on something other than his own misery. Animals are very theraputic. I'm sure he would flat out refuse it right out... but dragging his butt to a needy animal and letting him have first hand experience with the pet and rejecting the PET itself... is another story and he may cave. I'm no therapist/psychologist... but I bet it would help. I've seen some stories on TV even with the kids incarcerated for their crimes have really found help through "helping" animals. Whether it be a dog in need or whatever. A horse would be more time consuming though. Maybe even if you adopt a horse that needs some help? It would be a great distraction for your son??? You know... redirection?? Instead of tryign to help help help your son... if he helps someone else something may click in his own mind and he would find some sort of satisfaction and be distracted enough to let it go and have a little more purpose. AND, keep in mind, that you would have to tell him its all HIM and you wouldn't interfere. (Which i know may be hard). Let him come to you. Or else he may be afraid you would be all over him with your "experience" know what i mean? So I would make that clear right out that its all him. Whether it be a horse in need or a dog in need. Let me know what you think. Maybe I'm way off or you've tried it already. But just thought I'd throw it out there. ((hugs!))