on 9/8/08 3:50 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Wow, it's quiet around here - is everyone ok??? I found this great site, check it out ...

Lots of products, blogs, advice, seems to be a very worthwhile site. I hope everyone is doing well and just out and enjoying you, Maureen
on 9/8/08 5:23 am
Hanging in there I suppose. Not a pleasant weekend. My son lost his Permanent front tooth yesterday. He ran into another kid when they were playing hide and seek. He's ok, but now its a whole dentist ordeal and hoping the part of the tooth in his gums wont die off and he doesnt get a temperature and such. ah i swear it never ends. If its not one thing its another. been feeling depressed lately. just down in the dumps. I'm sorta just loosing myself in my books to escape a little. anywhoo... just trying to stay above the water so to speak. I want this dmned weight off!!!! grrr... i did ok today just had some chicken soup and crackers. I'm going to try real hard to be careful what I eat tonight. Still haven't gotten my protein powder. Now I cant afford it because i'm broke for the moment. SOoooo.... i'll just eat light and try my best to avoid snacking and overdoing it at dinner.
on 9/8/08 5:44 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Elizabeth, I'm sensing you're not getting a whole lot of attention or connection to people who make you feel special and valued - I'm getting the feeling you're feeling pretty disconnected from the folks that you should be feeling the most connected to... I'll leave it at that. Except, if I'm at all on the right track here, it's a very lonely place to be in. Make the connection. Make it happen. M.
on 9/8/08 11:16 pm
Hi Maureen, ;-)  You know...we gals are never valued enough. Such as my life I suppose. If you mean my parents...goodness. I think I'm still attached at the hip so to speak. I see them everyday. They are older and retired and watch Katelyn during the day and Matt before and after school. I'm very lucky to have them. We aren't the love dovey type as they are a bit old fashioned you know, but the love is there. I'm not lacking there. My mom and I share a love of books. I use to say that I would never read like her...but find myself being just like her in that sense. I guess I'm just not where I want to be really in life. As far as my weight and my goals of trying to get my books published etc... not knowing what the future holds. Trying to get by day to day and the trials and tribulations of married life. I'm sure you know what I mean there. The day in day out monotony of life can be very wearing. I need to exercise. I am staring to truly realize the importance right about now. My husband is doing great with exercise and that should inspire me but it hasn't lately. But the way i've been feeling so down in the dumps i know that it would help physically and emotionally. I have to buy some work out clothes this weekend. No ifs, ands or buts. Then come monday...well not monday I have the whole dentist thing to go through with that's my dh birthday...Wednesday! Yeah. Next wednesday. Shees... see what I mean.. then Thursday I have an appt at my son's school oh and he had boy scouts that week he!! maybe I'll just wait till the following week that way I don't start seeing steam rising from the top of my head because my brain is shorting out! ;-)  I guess I am far from a domestic goddess.... I have a pile of laundry on my dryer I just can't seem to get to and like 3 loads to do... dishes (i don't own a dishwasher and it sucks the big one) ... sheesh.  day in day out. Hate it. I keep telling my dh... can't we just hire soimeone to the dishes and the laundry? I'd be set then!!!!  

Elizabeth M   (still looksl iike he's poppin pills, but it thinks its more of a munchie kind of thing. Haha). Right now I'm goin with the popping of the pills. haha..
on 9/8/08 11:28 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I think he's eating popcorn and drinking soda, I really do! Weird graphic for a WLS site, huh??? You know, when we went to visit Jillian in Montreal we rented a cute little apartment in the city proper, it was adorable, very chic, but it didn't have a dishwasher and I have to tell you, I LOVED washing the dishes by hand! It felt so RIGHT! Like it made so much more sense to me! So, now that's what we do at home. We haven't used the dishwasher in over a month and I LOVE it! I'm waiting to see what the impact is on our electric bill. I have a real strong pull back to simplicity, back to the basics - hence, our organic garden, and my two little chickens that give us these warm eggs in the morning. Keep it simple. It's a good phrase for our eating lifestyles, 'lizbet. Keep it simple. Why are you talking yourself out of moving your body everyday before you even get started? You don't need new exercise clothes to get started! You don't need a special block of time to get started! Just say SCREW IT to the world the minute you get up, give the baby and your little boy to your husband or your mom and dad for that first 45 minutes of your day and head out the door and START WALKING! Keep it simple. Your are absolutely right, exercise will start charging up those endorphins in your brain and you will start feeling better, mentally and physically. But talking yourself out of it before you even begin is SERVING A PURPOSE. For whatever reason, you feel you need to stay stuck where you're at, emotionally (down in the dumps), physically (not at a weight that feels good) - if you start WALKING every day, you will give yourself the space (alone time) and time (alone time) to start thinking through what that's all about. Keep it simple. And stop making excuses for yourself. I don't buy it, Missy. Love you, M.
on 9/9/08 11:31 pm

i don't really have much alone time honestly. (which is part of the problem i think).  I'm not kidding. I hate to be the queen of excuses but I really dont even own a pair of sweat pants. Just jeans and my nice clothes for work which i wont get sweaty. I'm gonna wlak today though after I make dinner if its not to late with the kids. ill wear my jeans i dont care  Husband works a very labor intensive job and hasn't the time or energy to watch them in the morning or in the evening and in the evening he's working out himself. Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of having the dh watch the kids while I go do what i need to do. wi**** was a more perfect world you know. Thats not an option for me.   SO i'll just haul them with me on the walk! easy enough. Besides, they love it anyways and its a nice time spent with them. I DO have to get work out clothes though for the gym. I WILL get them this weekend no matter what! I think I'm going to ask to change my hours here at work so that I can get in earlier so i can get out early enough to be able to work out after im done work. hopefully they will let me. So ill work out in the gym here then when i get home, i can walk after i make dinner with the kids. sounds like a plan.  unfortunately with a 10 yr old and a 14 month old and a busy husband with his own business... planning out time is a necessity. Man I wi**** weren't. :)  But you are right... no more excuses!!!  ((hugs))

Elizabeth M

on 9/9/08 11:36 pm
do you know they are putting in stars you this in my above response:  (wi****)   when I am saying wish ---  it were... even though there is a space between the word wish and it. that is so dumb. and overdoing it! im not typing sh!# im typing wish space and the word it.  and have you guys noticed that you are typing then in a blink it throws you out of your typing box and scrolls down and you have to replace your cursor here in the box to finish typing? I'm not even hitting a weird key it just throws you out.  Strange.
Marilyn C.
on 9/10/08 9:58 am - Bullhead City, AZ
Hey Elizabeth My Friend
 Sounds like you are dealing with some Post-Partum depression. Your daughter is still
young enough to be goin thru it. Are you on anything or have you talked to anyone
about that?? Trust Me If I was not on zoloft I would have literally gone over the edge
completely after past few months. Please Please thing about talking to someone.
This being down on life & everythin is not like you & it does scare me a little.
Just like the diabetis I found out about this week, Depression also kills. I know first
hand as that is what killed my Brother.
Smile & Know that you are good people & We love you around here.
Ladybug Marilyn
on 9/10/08 11:20 pm
Thanks Marilyn.  Hmmm... never though about the post partum stuff. That may be why I'm down in the dumps. But I'm not THAT down in the dumps that I need the zombie meds. (took them before for my migranes and made me a zombie). I don't really suffer from that sort of depression. Not the severe stuff at least. Never really have. I can't...I don't know... sustain it?? I get really depressed if its a bad day, then I let it go or get so distracted by life that I don't have time to focus on myself too much. I DO know that I'm really tired. I haven't been getting enough sleep AT ALL. you know i didn't sit down in my house until 9:30 last night. I never got to walk I had absolutely NO time whatsoever. I went to the grocery store right after work to get dinner for this week... didnt get home till 6:30. I got home cleaned up the dishes, threw in a load of wash, made sure the boy finished his homework cooked dinner by the time THAT was done it was like 7:45. Served the boy and the husband their dinner fed the baby (who has a nasty little cold so she is wanting 100% attention) by the time I got her ready for bed she decided she didn't want to go to bed after all and cried her little head off in which im rocking and singing and rocking and singing... heh.  FINALLY she falls alseep around 9:15. poor little thing with her little stuffy nose.i clean up the dishes and FINALLY get my OWN dinner and sit down its now 9:30. I was so relieved to finally sit and have a moment to myself. I'm just going to have to re-adjust my time and get up earlier. Which means getting to bed earlier. 

I'm going to try again to do well today with food. It wasn't so bad yesterday. today is going to be another hectic day. we have a friend comming over for a portugeese dinner tonight that I have to cook up.... like I have time right?? but my dh invited him over for it and i'm just like 'sheesh' it's not so hard to cook though... can I get a maid now??? rofl... (i wish.) she can handle the cooking and cleaning for a little while so i can focus on me a little bit.  (if wishes were horses...)

Elizabeth M  
on 9/11/08 3:49 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I have to ask - can't keep my mouth shut - I'm sure to be asked to remove myself from this board altogether sooner than later... ummm, what does your husband do to help with the kids and the house? Let alone take care of himself rather than waiting on you to take care of him?
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