Im a Maniac...
Im a maniac maniac of looooove, oh however it goes LOL thats my dance music...I SURVIVED!!!! Oh my gosh though...I am like totally out of shape...I wasnt so tired I could of kept going, but man did I ever sweat like a pig!! Im serious I was drenched by the time I was done...but on a good note...I noticed alot younger then me were just as messy!!!! OH boy cant wait till Monday for the next class ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...............
<--- me the uncoordinated one!

Ahhhh, I WISH I could be in that class with you!!! I've really slacked off my exercising, I don't know what's up with that for me... just feel so tired all of the time, both in my body and in my head. You, on the other hand, sound like you're ratcheting it UP! Good for you, Kimberly! You've inspired me - think I'm gonna find a class to take - I wanna sweat like a piggie too!!!
Haaa 'lizbet, this is a good one!!! M.