My new day!!
Ladies, I had a heck of a new day!! I got up feeling good , I bent over to pick up the laundry basket and my back went out. I didn't feel like cooking , so I had an Atkins Protien Bar for breakfast and lunch. Then about 7 P.M. my husband called and wanted me to bring him and his son some chicken tenders from Publix. They had been working on the farm for 12 hours and was going to work 2 more. He was getting 45,000 chickens today and had a lot of work to do. When I got up there he was in the truck with the air on and was white as a sheet. I called 911 . He had dehydrated again. He had to go to the hospital. I ate 2 of his chicken tenders. He was in the hospital till midnight. The doctor told him that 75 percent of the wives in this country was spending money that their husband's had killed their selves making. I hope this scared, but you know how men are. When we got home I ate another Atkin's Bar. My back has hurt all day today and I have not cooked, so I had an Atkin's Bar for breakfast and lunch. So, I've pretty well been on a low carb diet for two days now!! I really wanted to eat last night, but I didn't.
I'm taking Maureen's challenge and on Sat. I want so say I've had one whole week of law carbs! We can do this. Love y'all, Judy
I'm taking Maureen's challenge and on Sat. I want so say I've had one whole week of law carbs! We can do this. Love y'all, Judy
45,000 chickens???!!!!??? Isn't that the entire chicken population in the U.S.? I have two chickens - Patty and Nugget (get it??) we used to have three (her name was Tender - hey, my daughter has a warped sense of humor, what can I say...) but we think a coyote got her. I love my girls, they follow me everywhere, I even let them in the house on occasion. They make me smile. I think chickens are the funniest little creatures - can't eat one anymore, but fresh eggs in the mornin', now that's something!! Hope your back feels better, Judy - take care and I can't wait to hear about your success Saturday a.m.! Maureen
Reenie...Im is your horse doing since the move? Is she doing better, I know she wasnt doing to well intially but was just wondering how she is now? I hope well! Its funny also that you have 3 chickens..I had 3 ducks..get this one DROWNED...and a fox got the 2 final one was sooo cool she would follow me every where and play with me and the dogs but I think she just got too used to the dogs that one night she didnt fear the fox and he got her when she put her head out of her pen. Broke my heart she was soo nice and neat.
Aw, you are so sweet to remember Laela! She's fine, she bounced right back on the antibiotics. She's doing really well, loves the new barn - I'm having some adjustment issues with the barn owner, she's a lady from Germany, one tough cookie, not a very good listener, kind of mean and insensitive - but I love the young woman that is training Laela, she is very good at what she does and is very kind and fair minded. We go out on trail rides together and that is the absolute BEST! Sunshine, wide open fields and meadows, a couple of chicks on their horses, a free flowing river, miles and miles and miles of trails in the middle of nowhere, just peace and quiet and nature and horses, aaahhhhhhhhhh - that's livin' . I still remember sitting in one of my first SG meetings after the surgery (I think Mike was with me) and I was telling the group one of my greatest wishes was to be able to ride horses some day - oh, it was such a dream, such a fantasy... and now I am riding almost every day on this incredibly beautiful, HUGE, black, stunning black Friesian mare who thinks she's my ****er spaniel and wants to climb in the back seat of my car and come home for dinner... I'm blessed. HOW 'BOUT YOU GUYS??? WHAT'S YOUR BLESSING TODAY????