Crazy Times On This Board
Sounds like people are going through some tough times around here. Count me in. Just got out of the hospital after a bout of pnuemonia. Strangest thing... woke up inhaling and choking on my own bile. The Man rushed me to the ER and I had fluid and bacteria in my lungs. After 3 days of hospitalization, heart rate is still over 115, BP is around 95/57 (was at 85/40 at one point), oxygen sats have been hovering around 85. Got home a few hours ago and am on breathing treatments and heavy duty antibiotics. Also found that my thyroid is off so that may account for why I've been really good about what I eat, but can't seem to get rid of weight.
I've missed you guys.
I've missed you guys.
I thought you were on vacation! I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. I had pnueomian many years ago. I'd been sick for a couple of months. Had a very bad doctor that my (ex)husband thought was wonderful. The doctor told me that I had the flu then said I had a virius then he ended up saying that I was sick so much that it was lupus. that was without any testing. I could not get off the couch. My (ex)husband told me that peopel soemtimes have to tell them selves that they are better.
Then on christmas eve we lost power no heat no ho****er I was sweating. My mother said I think you should take her to another doctor. He said we'll call if she's not better after the holiday. Hummmm wonder why he's the ex now?
Finally the week of new years one of my friends husband took me to the emergency room where they put me in the hospital. I was in for 2 weeks. Got rid of the stupid doctor. New years eve they gave out these little plastic horns you blow. When the clock struck 12 I tried to blow into it but no sound came out. I thought it was broken. A month later I tried and it worked just fine. It was My lungs that were broken!
It took months to get back to normal.
That was because of not getting the treatment when I should have. I hope your feeling better very soon.
Then on christmas eve we lost power no heat no ho****er I was sweating. My mother said I think you should take her to another doctor. He said we'll call if she's not better after the holiday. Hummmm wonder why he's the ex now?
Finally the week of new years one of my friends husband took me to the emergency room where they put me in the hospital. I was in for 2 weeks. Got rid of the stupid doctor. New years eve they gave out these little plastic horns you blow. When the clock struck 12 I tried to blow into it but no sound came out. I thought it was broken. A month later I tried and it worked just fine. It was My lungs that were broken!
It took months to get back to normal.
That was because of not getting the treatment when I should have. I hope your feeling better very soon.
And when you're quiet on the board, I tend to give you space but am left wondering what's going on - thinking you're busy at work or away with family or the Man or something... I didn't think you were in the hospital! We've got some sort of bad karma hovering over our beloved board and I say, folks, it's time we kick it the hell out into the stratosphere. One collective heave-ho, what do you say? There's a number of ways we can do this - one suggestion is simply to do this: everyone set a goal, one simple goal, that we commit to each other. One goal that we set for ourselves, it does not matter what it is, it iis yours and yours alone and, in fact, you don't even have to tell us what it is if you don't want to. Just set a goal and let's see if we can ALL meet our own goals by Saturday morning, 9am, we all get on the board at 9am and check in to say YES I met my goal! and that power, that positive energy will kick the heck out of this bad karma! So, I have my goal SET. What about you??? Connie, baby - love you, hope you feel better. Do what the docs tell you to do, take care of yourself and get well! M.
Geez that's awful! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Things for me, for the most part are status quo, and I am thinking that's a good thing. Weight hasn't changed, and that kind of ****** me off.'s only 10 pounds so things could be worse. Bowels are irratic to say the least, and I am retaining fluid like crazy...I think I'm going to make a doctor's appointment about it. I'm overdue for the gyn and mammo..yuck.
Busy crazy weekend. Son was in from's like a miracle to have both my kids in the same state, let alone the same room, so a good time was had by all.
Took son to the airport on Monday, daughter went back to school and cried all the way home. What a downer!
Connie, take care of yourself and PLEASE be well....
Busy crazy weekend. Son was in from's like a miracle to have both my kids in the same state, let alone the same room, so a good time was had by all.
Took son to the airport on Monday, daughter went back to school and cried all the way home. What a downer!
Connie, take care of yourself and PLEASE be well....
Ack! Connie! Glad you are doing ok. So sorry to hear you had such a bad time! I agree with Maureen, theres some bad karma going on. My little girl was running high fevers friday, saturday, sunday and monday. It finally broke monday but I'm absolutely exhausted. 104-105 fevers 3 teeth cutting. Shee****hink I'm getting sick. My throat is sore and just feel awful. But most likely thats cuz of not sleeping at all. gosh you get lots and lots of rest and take care of yourself!!! No running around. feet up! that is so scary!!! Hang in there! ((hugs!!!))
Elizabeth M
Elizabeth M

Connie Connie Connie!!! Girl, what is UP with you lately? It seems every time this wayward child checks in something is going awry in your life.
I am so sorry to hear you had to experience hospital food. That in and of itself is enough to make anyone sick.
I need to spend more time here. Obviously I'm lost on what is going on with everyone and trying to read back on posts is only partially helpful.

I need to spend more time here. Obviously I'm lost on what is going on with everyone and trying to read back on posts is only partially helpful.
I like my men like I like my coffee...strong, hot, and steamy!!!