New Scripts and Other Stuff
Went to the pain doc today and one of the things we discussed was my horrific constipation. He said that lots of his patients suffer from this as that is one of the common side effects of pain meds. We went through the list of things I've tried and he prescribed something called Enulose syrup. It's a very sugary syrup, with a warning that it can change blood sugar levels in diabetics, but I haven't dumped yet. I've only taken one dose so don't know how well it will work yet. I'll let you know.
Also switched from Vicodin to Opana. Opana is supposed to be less addicting. I wasn't taking the Vicodin like I was supposed to bcause of my fear of addiction so was in pain most of the time. I just took my first dose of Opana and am already loopy so I can't be responsible for what I might type.
My BP was 95/63 today so that could account for some of my loopiness.
So I'm standing at the counter dropping off my scripts and talking with the pharmacist. A young woman came up to drop off prescriptions and was very specific about the cost. She didn't have insurance and told the pharmacy tech that she had called in advance to make sure she could afford the prescriptions. She double checked the cost of her two prescriptions and left. I was waiting for my scripts to be ready when the young woman came back to pick hers up. The cashier told her that the cost would be 53 something for an antibiotic and a pain killer. The poor girl was really distraught and said that she had double checked the costs. After a brief discussion, the girl started crying and hurried down the aisle without getting her meds. She turned around and yelled back, "If I die, I'm going to sue you people!" OK, sure a statement that didn't make sense, but she was really upset. People in line started laughing, even the Walgreens employees were laughing. I was furious and yelled at these animals. I was so angry with them for being so damned insensitive. I ran after the girl, but didn't find her. I wish I had run after her first and yelled at the jackasses later. I'm angry that this economy is so screwed up. I'm angry that people can't get the medications they need. I'm angry that people are so stupid and insensitive.
I'll let you know how the Enulose works out.
connie....sending you a supersized hug.....
michael lives on vicodin and tylenol and he would be in heaven to have his bm's more solid-his are always runny-sorry-TMI!!! he is very lucky not to have the constipation problem...
last saturday, my bp was something over 48...i didn't hear the something number i was too blown away by the 48....
as for the young lady--oh i can relate since i have no insurance--that means no dr visits no bloodwork no prozac nothing.....and teh onlookers- stupid ppl seem to be breeding again....
so-here's an extra hug for you my sweet!!!!!!!!

Man's inhumanity to man... we are a cruel and insensitive lot by nature and this is the root cause of my depression. I pretty much loathe people, I'd much rather be living in dens or burrows with soft furry tail thumping animals. For all our "free will" we are STUPID. Look at what we're doing to this planet? We can't see five minutes in front of our faces for fear of losing traction in pursuit of the almighty buck - a STUPID concept in juxtaposition with a war that's costing trillions - oh, don't get me started on how STUPID the human being is. And selfish and uncaring and insensitive. I know if you would have tracked her down, you would have given her the money to pay for her meds. But that would not solve the catastrophic problems we are faced with today. I hope things get better for you, my friend. Keep us posted on your plumping. Love ya, M.
Poor woman!!! HOw awful. Its why I'm all for Universal health care. 'sigh' we had 2 little girls in this area DIE because of insurance issues!!!! can you believe it!!!!! it just hurts my heart. Vicodin stops working for me after awhile and then it starts to make me nauseous. It also made me a bit consitpated as well. I had taken in recently for a week. Then went off it and was gruuummppyy... anyways... THAT POOR GIRL! I would've paid it for her if I had the money on me and was quick enough in my thinking. People are SO IGNORANT!!! i'm with maureen, i just dont like people most of the time. Check this out... in our area there were these young boys that set a kitten on fire!!! YES HORRIFYING!!! absoulte horror...its the signs of a serial killer. But the MOST disturbing thing about this story was that the PEOPLE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, ADULTS, WERE WATCHIND AND LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! LORD IN HEAVEN HELP US!!! i was soooooo incredibly blown away by this story. i wasn' t the only one that was horrifyingly appaled that adult neighbors laughed as a little kitten was burned to death by a group of kids thankfully. so I had hope there are still some of us that are sane. But what is this world comming to??? People need to take their children to church and teach them more about GOd and compassion. that is all there is to it!!! 'sigh' What a world. What a world.
God help us all.
Joanie, you were right on the money - a mere 4 hour drive separates us. I've googled your lovely little spot and while September is jam packed for me, I'm thinking Jim and I can come and spend a day with you and your guy early October - you've got a couple of events going on, a big flea market and some sort of music fest, right? How does that sound? Oh, what a happy day it will be to see your gorgeous mug in person!!! Love ya, M.
Enulose is a sugary syrup. I was a happy camper by the end of yesterday and even happier today. It seems to be much more gentle than a lot of over the counter solutions. I was worried about dumping because it is sickeningly sweet, think sugar water, so I took 1/2 a dose and then the other 1/2 a dose an hour later. They say you can mix it with juice or other liquids so I might try it in a protein shake. I'm supposed to take it twice a day for the first couple of days and then once a day after that.