Day 3 of No sugar/low-carb
Hi All
This is day 3 of the no sugar low carb lifestyle & looks like I am
down 4 lbs.( so far so good)
I plan to keep this going as I was really bad with the
carbs. Still drinking too much coffee, but will work on that addiction
after I get through getting off the sugar & carbs first.
Headed for a protein shake before going to work. Talk at you later.
Ladybug Marilyn

congratulations marilyn! each day it gets alittle bit easier.
you know tonight i had to work late. do you remember how it was years ago after the surgery how you had to remind yourself to eat? thats what i went through tonight! i wasn't hungry but knew I had to eat something cause my blood surgar would drop.
this is why i know my pouch will still work if i stick with the plan continue with theprotein. it helped it so much. those food cravings are still there but they are not in control now. i keep reminding myself to stick with it.
good luck wow 4 pounds! can you imagine at the end of day 5??
can't wait to hear!