M&Ms Saga

on 8/13/08 4:08 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
It's so funny you say that, Joanie. My husband found this print ad in a magazine, a full page ad of a great big ugly green M&M with legs and arms and Dr. Phil's face - mustache, hairy eyebrows, half bald head, buckteeth and all - Jim's note to me was, "At least you won't eat the green ones now." I have the picture hanging on my office wall - wish I could say it helped today...
on 8/13/08 5:16 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Hey, Joanie - send me an email to [email protected] - with your NJ address - I'll do a Mapquest for directions, I want to see how far we are from you. I really want to come visit! M.
on 8/13/08 4:08 am
Yep I agree thats what I thought from the get go...eat them till you are mentally and physically sick of them... and yeah that lady does have here own problems dont let her get to you...sounds like a typical case of pure jealousy and you can beat her at her own game by not playing into it. Your a very strong women and dont let this one thing bring you down...you got it in you...you can beat it!
on 8/14/08 11:56 pm
Maureen... I know its not a "fix" but have you looked for the sugar free m&ms? At least give your body a break and try the sugar free ones... although it may not reeeallly give your body a break since sugar alcohols can do a dump number on you, but at least its not alot of real sugar that is going to make your appetite kick into uber high gear. TRY the SUGAR FREE. BUT where to find them ???? If I find them I am buying them for you and shipping them to your house to try. I bet they are hard to find. And if you cant find them... im giving you a little tough love here: BUY YOURSELF M&MS AND QUIT GOING TO THAT EVIL *****ES OFFICE!!!!!! not only is she grinning because she can TALK about you because you are STILL going to her office...but she's hurting you physically and knowing it beacuse she refuses to quit putting them out. DON'T GO IN THERE! you have to know now that you might as well get them and put them in your desk... i know its that thought of "If i have them I'll eat them" but you are eating them anyway and giving this ignorant woman ammo. I'm going to see if I can find the sugar fee ones and even look online... if i find them I am emailing you so i can send them to you and we'll try that!!! that woman makes me so mad!!!! OH! P.S. I just wanted to tell you... My sister in law is EXACTLY the same as you. There is NEVER a time when she does not have a huge bag of M&Ms. She said she is addicted to them. She is thinner though, but even when we go on vacation you KNOW there is a bag of M&Ms there. She has no qualms about it either. Don't beat yourself up over it so much. I know its a scary mental thing, but the stress is pushing you towards it more. Try a more relaxed approach. START by buying your own so you dont have that NEGATIVE ENERGY from going into that womans office. I know that every time you step into that stupid office of hers you subject yourself to that negative energy and instantly feel it. That cringe that you KNOW she knows your going in there... hating yourself for not being able to stop yourself from GOING into that office. That feeling of knowing how much you dislike her and she you etc... its all negative energy all related to taking that ONE STEP into that womans office (M&Ms aside!) Bad Negative energy can strangle someone, especially since that someone is already directing said bad energy towards you. I know it sounds all mystical mumbo jumbo, but its REAL! honestly it is. Step One!: CUT THAT LINE FIRST!!!!! You are NOT going to go into that woman's office and subject yourself to her negative energy and bad wishes. Then we'll move onto step two!! LOVE YOU!!!! hang in there. We'lll get through this. Don't make me come down there and cast a wicked spell over that woman's office!!! Elizabeth M
on 8/15/08 3:26 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I can't find the SF kind anywhere, used to sell them at Walmart but they don't carry them anymore. So, I'm going back on liquids for the weekend and depending on how I feel on Sunday, I will buy my own bag of the crap and bring it in to work. I think you and Connie are right, it's the habit of sneaking to her office and taking her stuff that makes me feel so incredibly lousy and of course, those feelings make me hate myself and that's what makes me eat the crap. So first step - stop getting the stuff from her office - no more, no more. That's got to be the very first thing I do. You guys are so wonderful to me, I don't know what I'd do without you right now, I really, really don't. M.
on 8/15/08 4:07 am
YAY! I'm proud of you Reenie!!! I know you can do this! Yes, one step at a time! Lets not give that btch ammo! Don't step one foot into that office because its all bad vibes and bad wishes. I'm sure you can feel it. Get your bag and put it in your desk. I am going to look for some SF ones! Hang in there!!! Step one don't go in that office! YOu can do it! ((hugs!)) Elizabeth M
on 8/15/08 7:53 am - Glendale, AZ
I'm seriously contemplating going into catering when I retire in 3 years. When I'm cooking, I don't eat. Something about the exposure to all the food just makes me not hungry. When I cook for large parties, I'll find myself at the end of the day without having put a morsel in my mouth. I think the same may be true for you and the M&Ms if they are sitting in front of you all day. I'm curious to know how much of that candy does your office saboteur consume herself? I'm betting not much. Your situation reminds me of one that we had here at work. Years ago, a very sweet, VERY heavy co-worker who I'll call Bobbette suddenly started dropping all sorts of weight. Everyone complimented and encouraged. Everyone was very proud of Bobbette. Bobbette was working out and looking good. Someone else in the office, who I will call Georgette had weight loss surgery and started dropping weight quickly. Bobbette swore that she had not had wls like Georgette and kept working out. I even started hiking with Bobbette. Encouraged by the success of Bobbette and Georgette (even though Bobbette said she hadn't had surgery) Ronnette had surgery and started dropping weight. Life catches up with you and Bobbette started gaining weight. In meetings, Bobbete would put a big bag of Hershey's miniatures or Reeces cups in the middle of the table and push them towards Georgette and Ronnette. After a while, Bobbette was actually going around the table and putting candy at everyone's seats instead of passing the bag. It might have been my imagination, but I think Bobbette gave Georgette and Ronnette more than everyone else. Today, the ettes have all gained back most of what they lost and I do think that Bobbette had a hand in sabotage. When I finally had my surgery, I stayed far, far away from the ettes. The ettes are all still good friends and I honestly don't think that Bobbette (who eventually did confess to having wls) intentionally sabotaged the other two ettes. I think that fat girls abhore a skinny vacuum. Hugs, C.
on 8/17/08 9:45 pm
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I love your mind! I love your humor, your wit, your empathy, I love every damn thing about you!!!!!
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