M&Ms Saga
So I had this idea to move my office away from the woman who puts out the M&M (and now other assorted candy) buffet within arms reach of her open door. My office is about 10 steps away from hers. The addiction is real and overpowering. It has become a mental health issue for me. I'm not kidding. I'm in crisis. My idea last night was to ask a colleague in my department - whose office is on the other side of my building - to switch offices with me. Easy fix. It would take me out of the fire and, ok, I know where this woman's office is and the candy...my drug...but I would no longer be steps away from it. I had the conversation with my colleague about a half an hour ago - she flatly said no. She likes where she is. It's quietier on that side of the building (she's right). And she doesn't want to be near the candy-crap either! She admitted to having her own issues with food obsessions! She doesn't want to be anywhere near Judy's office and open-door candy stash invitation policy. So much for that idea. I think I really have to look for a new job. This has become a crisis for me.
Reenie....quicky questions....are you friends with the lady who has all the good candy? If so...why not mention to her that you are having a tuff time with it and if you ever come into her office wanting some for her to blatenly tell you NO Keep your hands off! Tell her you wont be offended when she does and it just might help. just a thought...
I have talked to her. I've asked her to simply put the stuff in a different corner of her office so that I would have to walk into her office to get it, instead of just stop at her door. She refuses. In fact, she's put more stuff out. She's talking about me to other people. I'm starting to feel like a freak - even here on this board. Honestly, am I the only one that has a screaming problem with a food addiction, no one else is going through this, something that no matter what, you just can't shut down or shut off? Today I am wearing one of those big thick rubber bands around my wrist and every time I feel that screaming urge to go grab the crap, I'm going to snap the hell out of that rubber band. And I hope it hurts. Really bad. I have never, ever, ever had anything like this go on, never not even at my heaviest. I'd rather have my skin ripped off in pieces.
Yup, Mine is the coffee. I drink lots of it & it's not the coffee it's the stuff I put in it. Mostly chocolate, even though it is SF chocolate it still has carbs in it. I drink
anywhere for 4 - 6 cups a day. It does not matter if I drink
it at night I still sleep just fine. Will maybe not fine, but
still wake up at the same time evry day no matter when I go to bed. I have tried cutting back & it works for part of the day then I just want more. It's not M & M's but still an addiction in any case. I am sure that is why I fight the weight so much is the crap I put in my coffee. I have at least
stopped Starbucks. Don't have money for that anymore.
This is what I make at home. It's better since back to work, but still drink lots.
So yes, I do understand what you are saying.
Hang Tough that is all we CAN do!!
Ladybug Marilyn

I have my own form of addictions... Caffeine, potato chips, pizza. What I don't have is a sadistic ***** waiving them under my nose.
OK, here's my suggestion. Get your own M&Ms. That's right, the real thing, fully loaded and put them right on your desk. Have as much as you want as often as you want. You just need to break the habit of walking over to the witch's turf to get the M&Ms. Once you've broken your habit of walking over and snacking on her dime, you can wean yourself off on your own terms. Once you feel more in control, start bringing in your daily allotment and reduce it as time goes on.
I believe you said that this woman is heavy and it's obvious that she has issues with your weight loss. She's trying to make you own her weight issue. I'm not advocating that you take up my nasty attitude, but if it were me, I'd walk by, pick up a handful, look her in the eye and thrown them in the trash. I'd do that every single day, but I'm not a nice person.
Take control back by moving the problem into an area that you control.
Oh.. and you don't have an addiction. There's nothing in M&Ms that is addicting. You have a bad habit and habits can be broken.
Love ya,
Ok, so far, I'm with Connie. Get them, put them on your desk and eat them til you get sick of them. And you will. As I've mentioned before, my food of choice is olives. I think part of the mental thing with the M&Ms is that you know you're not supposed to have them. Your addiction is mental, not physical. I think there may be something else underlying with this. This is a woman you don't really like. Why go anywhere near her office? I'd avoid her at all costs if I don't like her. Is there some kind of acceptance issue with her...do you want her to like you? Do you want to like her? Hm...lets ask Dr. Phil!
Analytically yours,