my son was a fevering teether, except his fever would shoot really high and he would have a febrile seizure @@ when he starts to run a low grade fever even now, he gets tylenol and then 2 hours later motrin to keep it down, it works he hasn't had a febrile seizure in a very long time!
I don't know how babies tolerate it...I had a wisdom tooth trying to come in and I thought I might expire from the constant pain...went to the DDS adn said take them all out NOW....ugh...
poor babies!
AWWWW poor baby....I feel for you both, been through that. I worked in the dental field for over 20 something yrs and youve probably already tried it but just incase not...try giving her a damp frozen wash cloth to teeth on and some tylenol. And also there is baby abensol...But I know where you are coming from and is so hard to watch.
Mine are older now 19 and my heart breaks over other things now. But its all still the same you hate to see your kids hurt.
NOW....hows it going ladies? Hanging in there? You slip up just pick yourself back up and keep on trucking.
Man am I beat Ive been working outside allday and feel as bad as I look right a hag LOL...but least I got something done. Everything in my yard has mutated from the rain and all so alot of cutting and trimming grass and bushes, weeding the flower area, but it looks nice now and Im going to RELAX!
Hang in there!!!