Day 3 FINALLY....I was dying here....finally ate some real food...I tried making that tuna melt thing....minus and added a few things and actually it was pretty darn a poor mans crabcake...also ate one hard boiled I want a drink. I hate waiting 30 mins to drink 15 to go argggg but least I got some food in me. Anyway hoping today will be alot better now that we can eat something...Im sooooo sick of soup and jello, its amazing how you can come to hate something in just two short...ooops LOOOOOOOOONG days. Heres to keeping with the program...Good-luck all!
Welp, i had eggs and some ketchup. lol. I also had a small sausage link. I know that's prob not on the menu... forgot to check but ahwell.. but WHEEEEWWW! I feel way better now. i think ill be ok. I was just HUNGRY. for real hungry i guess. i felt way better afterwards. Now i'm thirsty. i have to make sure that i drink more water. I didn't drink enough water yesterday. More than normal but not what i was supposed to. i will today though, in fact im going to head over to the water cooler thingy now and get some. i bought a protein bar for lunch and will have my protein drink for lunch too. hopefully that will tide me over till dinner.
Elizabeth M

I had a shake this moring, water ugh...
it is the water i hate and that makes me crazy ad something to it and it is fine but just plain water....YUCK!
kids had chicken for lunch and I ate one uhm...not a nugget not a strip not a tender oh well whatever...and it sat like a rock ugh... YUCK and DOUBLE YUCK!
Iwill have another shake here soon and probably we are going to the pool it is hot

heres my today food list what am I day one day two or day 2 & 1/2? Oh well I've adapted the stupid thing to suit me but its a good suit!
am coffee/decaf
b - protein shake & diet jello
coffee/decaf protein bar
s - cheese stick & diet jello
l - protein shake & diet jello
s - 1/2 a boiled egg & diet jello
can you see a pattern with the diet jello??? I'm spending a fortune on the crap! I'm gona have the fake nails taken off cause my own are gonna be so darn strong!
my boss was on the road with me today. he has to go with everyone and lucky me it was my turn. you get no warning he just comes up to your desk and says Hey lets drive together today! like who's gonna say no? hahaha Its ok though I really like him he's very good. BUT there was still stress involved sooooo when I got back to the office i fell off the wagon and had a tootsie pop.....
dinner tonight was an ear of corn NO butter and 3 oz of cooked hamburger. I'm full I feel satisfied. i have a planned snack of (can you guess???)
I DID THE math and if i've got it figured right ita 1100 calories
i weighed myself this morning and was the same hopefully it will go down by the end of the week.
either way I feel good I like the shakes and jello and am goign to continue with this.
just had
'SIGH' ok food rundown. I had more stuff than i meant to have. My dad went aaalll the way to lancaster to get some corn and fruit from the amish because he got word that they had the best corn somewhere over there. So after work I got to my parents to pick up the kids and he had made the corn on the cob. I caved. Its my weakness. I LOVE corn on the cob and it was the best darn corn I have ever had!!! I use the spray butter that has no calories and fat. Anways... it was awesome! I had two of them. 'sigh' then when i got home I had some cantelope and it was the best darn cantelope ive ever had!!! it was from the amish too. Man it was so sweet and juicy. so here is a run down of what I had alltogether:
OK so I had:
about 2 eggs and 1 small sausage
one protein bar
one protein drink
1/2 cup of chicken and broccoli and brown rice
2 corn on the cobs
1/2 cup of cantelope.
'sigh' i guess its not so great. I don't know. But I guess not so bad. Thing is because I ate that cantelope i am hungry. Any time I eat sweet fruit my appetite goes all crazy. I haven't caved in though. If it gets bad I'll have some natural peanut butter.
anyways thats what i had today.
Elizabeth M

Ohhhh I want that corn but loaded with a tone of butter, sounds good. I had a pretty good day and Im not really hungry...had two of those tuna cakes, two hard boiled eggs, 2 protein shakes,pudding, and a piece of cheese,water, and vitamins...thats it...I seem to be hmmm what to eat tommorrow...Ill think about it later as I eat my late night jello lol
Ya know in those beginning days My Doc told us never to have
corn on the cob. I love it & still eat it occasionally. Specially in the Summer time.That was because the kernals could do damage to our pouch. I still eat it & I still eat Popcorn too. I thin after that first year it's just fine, cause never has caused a problem with me. It's also a starchy
food & a bad veggie to have for weight control. But Tasty
Ladybug Marilyn doctor told me the same exact thing....I do and have eaten corn also with no problems its my favorite veg. But I dont eat a ton like I used as for popcorn not surposed to have it....but I live off it...that is my weekness always has been since I was a little kid. When i was young me and my dad everynight would watch TV and eat a giant batch and honestly I still do to this day minus this week.