does this happen to you? Strange reactions - dumping and such

on 7/30/08 2:45 am
You know, I had to post this. How many of you have had this happen.... YOu are eating say... a protein bar (or anything for that matter, right now its happening to me over a protein bar.) anyways... you have your protein bar and eat the whole thing and your done. You are either hungry afterwards (which sometimes I am) or not. but your fine none the less. No weird feelings. all is well... The next day,.... you have the SAME THING. eat it the same way... and are sick as a dog to your stomach. You know the typical dumping nausea! that happens to me with other foods too! Even like chicken. I'll eat it and feel nothing out of the ordinary. Im full and done and all is well. then a week later or whenever i have the same amount same kind again and sick as a dog. Its like on and off dumping!!?? do any of you experience that? I think its especially weird when it pertains to like... chicken or some normal food we shouldn't dump on. I AM SOOO NAUSEOUS!!!! over this protein bar that i have been eating every other day for the past month and havent had this problem. I want to i know eewww.. the protein bar has sugar alcohols which can cause dumping etc... but the issue is that one day I can eat it and feel absolutely nothing and the next feel sick as a dog. Like today. I'm not overly stuffed or anything. Didn't drink with it. Nothing i did different than yesterday. Its a dumping mystery. Elizabeth M
on 7/30/08 3:10 am
Hi I have a question.... Does dumping still happen 2-3+ years AFTER the surgery? Your post scared me! I thought that at that time one would not dump???
on 7/30/08 4:22 am
I didn't mean to scare ya. Sure, we will always have the "tool" it will always limit us to eating way too much. and if we do eat over our limit we will be nauseous and such. it's not nearly as severe as when you first get surgery. I'm VERY thankful I still have it. I wish I had it more often because after so long, you DON'T dump as much and eat more bad things and more than you should. But its nothing to be afraid of. It's a blessing to me that I still have the tummy telling me to watch out! Everyone is different. Some dump more than others and can tolerate more sugar than others etc... But like I said, its not as strong as your first year out. You can definitely tolerate more 3-4 yrs out and you can eat more but will always have that tool at your disposal when you really over do it. The protein bar thing for me today it doesnt happen often. I wi**** happened more often though that way I would eat less and be extra careful. I'm thinking today I'm just more sensitive to the sugar alcohols in the bar? not sure. its a mystery but not scary, it feels normal to me just odd that sometimes i dump and sometimes i dont on the same food. Elizabeth M
on 7/30/08 4:51 am
thanks for clarifying.. the thing with me is i dont ever want to dump .. the thought of me having my heart race and be nauses and throw up... oh my.. that has only happened ot me twice in my life and I am 36 ! to have that happen often freaks me out! I am a very disicplined person when I put my mind to it.. so this will keep me from eating the bad stuff.. fear of dumping..
on 7/30/08 12:27 pm - Glendale, AZ
Some never dump, but I think the lucky ones do. I know that dumping has kept me in line most of the time. Any time I've dumped, I can usually identify the reason and it's almost always something I've done. As Elizabeth says, it can be on foods that I've eaten before with no problem, but it's usually because I ate too fast or too much. As you work your way through this, you'll figure out what works and what doesn't. There's no way of knowing ahead of time whether you will be one of those who dumps or not. So feel free to hang out and ask questions. Let us know when you get approved and get scheduled for surgery. Connie
Joan Stonehill
on 7/30/08 10:39 am - TN
Don't be scared, but YES it does. Keep in mind that after WLS, you have to watch everything that enters your mouth for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. The 'protein first' law is forever. The 'vitamin' thing is forever. If you eat healthy and follow the rules, you don't have to worry about dumping. does happen. And it's a good thing. It keeps you in line and lets you know when you go down the wrong road. Take care and be well!!! Joanie
on 7/30/08 4:49 am
sounds crazy...wish I could comment more but unfortunatly I have never dumped...ever...wish I would sometimes, then maybe I wouldnt be so comfortable eating everything. Ive gotton sleepy in the beginning stages guess that was my dumping but thats it. My sister is 6 yrs out and to this day she dumps...and MAN when she does, she does the devil from hell. Makes me sorta feel sorry and jealous all the same lol Kimberly
on 7/30/08 5:38 am - Rockford, IL
yep! happens to me... one day chicken salad made by me is fine, next time chicken salad made by me ...DEATH in a bowl some days even the temperature of stuff causes me "distress" cold things usually are ok, but when it isn't it ISN"T!!! the one bite too much overflow valve does still work for me, and I usually over do it while not paying attention to what I am eating like at a potluck, lots of talking kind of stuff @@ that throwing up is hard work as well... nasty business! nic
on 7/30/08 9:43 am - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
count me into the dumping thing. Still happens just not that often and when it does happen its usually a surprise cause it will be soemthing (like you said) that i've had before without any problems. I dont't throw up but I will get the racing heart, sometimes a headache, runs - watch out i could win the kentucky derby. i cant' get over that a food i've eaten without any problems will all of a sudden with just one bite make me get a pain in the gut with a full feeling like i'd just eaten a turkey dinner with all the fixes plus a big old pumpkin pie. all from just 3 bites of chicken! if somethin gis dry a will have a problem. if i do not chew soemthing really good i will have a problem. if i am yakking on the phone or playin gon the computer and am not thinking...well i'm gonna have a problem! the pouch and I get along well its just something she acts up.
on 7/30/08 11:47 am
Yeah it is weird. Maybe I ate it quicker than I did yesterday. I must have. Possibly thats why I dumped. MAN was i nauseous from it! And glad about it. I wi**** would happen more often to me especially with bad stuff! Elizabeth M
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