vacation in NH with mom
I spent my vacation in Nh this year again with my mom.
Mom lives with my sister the saint. Patty my sister goes on a golf tournament each year. For the last 3 years we don't like to leave mom alone that long but patty still needs to have her specail time so i take my vacation and go visit with mom.
we usually have a good time shopping and doing things she doens't get a chance to do during the week now tha she doesn't drive.
we went out to lunch and dinner most days. visited the nursing home she was in for the last 2 months. what a sweet day that was! all of the nurses and patients who could came out to see mom. she hugged and kissed her! all of them told her they missed her.
she was doing very good with her walker considering when she was there at first she couldn't get out of bed. the new pace maker has made such a wonderful imporvment.
we went to the mall which was always a treat! mom has a motorized personal chair that she drives very well. it comes apart and folds for the back of my sisters van. I am not strong but even I could handle getting that thing in and out.
with all the walking and all the lifting of that thing even the lunches and dinners out i lost weight! only a couple of pounds but hey I'll take it!
What amazed me was that i was eating more than I normally do. But they were the right things.
I really didn't get more excersize than I normally do but I literally was eating more. But I wasn't eating in between meals and the food I was eating was good protein good carbs.i drank my water and I also had coffee.
MOM and sis have one of the kuegic (spelling!!!) coffee makers. Thats the one that takes the little cups and creates a personal cup of brewed coffee. I loved it so much that I bought one for myself while up north!
It was a nice vacation.