NIC, What's Going On???
Hey ya!
Sorry darling for worrying ya!
I have no news...I am going with the no news is good news theory.
basically the neurologist other than taking my copay, told me nothing new, I need to have MRI, EEG, a bunch of lab work done before they can tell me anything...@@
oh I can't swim alone, climb ladders, drive for 6 months, no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, no pregnancy... (ok MOST of that I don't do anyway...) but NO CAFFEINE...I think the doctor needs to up his crack habit cause no driving and no caffeine makes this ONE VERy cranky girl!!!!
THE medication makes me very sleepy so I take it at night and sleep like the comatose. It has made me not hungry at all THANK YOU GOD... for this I may give up driving but caffeine GOD????? why why why...
all the lab work will be scheduled as soon as my insurance approves it...
then I will let you know.
I am hoping it was just a stress thing and my brain is fine otherwise!
thanks for the support tho!