Light at the end of the Tunnel!!
HI All
I am so glad March is over, this has been the hardest month
for me EVER!! I was actually unemployed for the past 3 days,
but got a new job yesterday. Will be starting a full time
job on Monday, it's Circle K, but who cares its full time &
they are a good company to work for.
Ever since I got back to AZ I did not think I would survive,
I can at least see a light at the end of the very messed up tunnel that I have been in in the last month.
Safeway was really messin with my hours & not giving me enough. First time I have ever walked out of a job in my entire life & that is a long time (old lady here).
Good things are on their way, again.
Sorry, just needed to vent a little.
Ladybug Marilyn
Glad you found a full-time job and you'll be back at work on Monday. Times are rough all over and lots of people are in tough financial times. I look at all of the foreclosures, joblessness and gas prices and wonder how long we can keep going like this.
So here's my paid political announcement, people... OK, not paid... Vote! I'm not advocating for one politician over another and I'm not advocating one party over another. I'm just saying do your homework and invest in your future. If you're not registered to vote, get it done and have a say in the future of your families and country.
Connie (Who fell off the soapbox and bumped her head)