alittle bit of this alittle bit of that polish food is not good for tummys
i went to a function last night were the meal was polish themed. it was wonderful! fantastic! i was so sick this morning i swear not to eat polish food again.
we had fried perogies
some kind of fatty yummy cabbage stuff
bread pudding
lots and lots of butter stuff
fried chicken too in some kinda fatty batter
i've gone to the bathroom so much today i should have lost 10 pounds.
and i am reliving the polish food on a burp to burp basis. it could be that maybe i'm sick with a bug but it might have been i ate stuff i shoudlnt' have.
the odd thing was this morning i had a blood sugar blunge episode that was not fun. shaking and extreme potty sitting was required. it happend at work. i think they corded that room off after with yellow tape. had chills for most of the morning.
maybe it wasn't the polish food! maybe i really do have a bug? i'll keep you all posted I'm sure that you'll want to know the out come.
That was most likely delayed dumping syndrome off the high
fat foods. If you don't normally eat them, your body went
into rejection mode the next day. I bet you feel much better
tomorrow. Drink lots of water & stick to very small amounts
of soft food tomorrow & I bet it all goes away.
Take care & feel better
Ladybug Marilyn