New Gal Needs Help
I am a new member of OH so I don't get on here as of as I wish I could. But I had my surgery in 3-04 and I had lost 170 lbs. but gain 12lbs. back. L ast time I weigh I had lost 3 of the 12. But I was wondering if anyone has any good exercises from setting from a wheelchair because I'm paraplegic. I was doing real good at drinking my water but have slowdown again and thats not good.
You're so smart to catch the weight gain now and do something about it before it gets out of control. I wish I had better ideas for exercise for you, but all I can think of is to contact a physical therapist. I had a PT who was a wizard at getting me in shape, not just fixing my sore shoulder. How about contacting your local university and see if they have students who can work with you?
Welcome Diana! I echo Connie's thought (we typically finish each other's sentences anyway) in terms of reining in whatever is causing the regain right away - head it off at the pass, try to sort through what's going on for you and no matter what, do not stay in your own head about this! In other words, don't isolate - do what you're already doing and reach out to get the help and support you need. This is a TERRIFIC group of people...we're family...and we are there for each other. WELCOME! Diana, my brother was a paraplegic for years and he was able to stay in great physical shape by swimming as frequently. Once he was in the water he swam with his arms and upper torso and could out swim most others in the water with him. Check out your local Y to see if they have a program that will fit your needs. Brian used to dance in his wheelchair, too, he just moved whatever he could as much as he could - and he had a great time doing so. Hope this helps and so glad you've found us. Be well and keep us posted. Reenie
Thank you all for your advice and welcoming me to the board. It all really will help me knowing there is people out there that cares besides my close family here at home. If you think of anything else that could help just let me know. Oh by the way I do water aerobics all summer at our city pool but I live in a small town so we don't have a Y. dianalee1956
HI Diana
Welcome!! Sorry I am a bit late on this reply. Been a little
crazy this week
I agree with the others just start with moving what ever you can & start with doing that a couple of times a day. Whatever you choose it will be a start!! I wish I
had worried about 12 lbs when it was only 12 lbs I would have
it gone by now. I bet you have it going in the right direction
real soon. Take care & again welcome. We will help you through
it day by day. Sometimes family is great, but, they just don't
get it, either!! Hang in There!! & come back here as often as you like!!
Ladybug Marilyn