I'm Alive and Kicking
OK.... maybe not kicking just yet.
Thanks for checking up on me last week, Maureen and thanks for asking about me, Marilyn. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers.
I'm doing pretty well, but still exhausted. I had a one week check up today and the doctor removed 3 of the 4 drains. He's really, really pleased with the results and I'm thrilled. He only removed 6 pounds of skin, but I already weigh 5 pounds less than I did going in and I'm hugely swollen. I wore a size 10 going in and am now wearing size 14 pants so I'm sure more weight will be coming off as the swelling goes down. Yippee!
I overdid it today because after the surgeon's visit, my step-mother who drove me, wanted to stop in a Scottsdale mall to grab lunch and pick up a couple of things. Four hours later, I was so exhausted I wanted to throw up. I've been really good about resting and behaving until today so no more malls for awhile.
Lots of Love,
Connie! Good to hear from you. So glad things are going well for you, but girlfriend, I *knew* you would do something to tax yourself. You just don't have it in you to sit still, do you? Hey - I got an idea, my son has an old sit and spin he doesn't use anymore. It plays music and everything. Think I should ship that out to you? You would at least be in one place then!
Take care of yourself and learn to vegetate. This is a good thing right now!!!