I'm Off
Well, I'm out of here at the crack of dawn. I've scrubbed the house to within an inch of its life. Shaved one dog and one cat so I don't have to worry about all the dust bunnies. Tiled the bathroom, refinshed the vanity and painted the walls, wrestled the new washing machine in and hooked it up. At 1:00 this morning, I went out to the garage to get a refill bottle of Windex. I pulled it off a shelf and a roasting pan fell of the top shelf and hit me in the forehead. I've got a big goose egg now. OK, that's one arm brace and one lump on the head. Tonight I stabbed a steak knife into the palm of my left hand (don't ask). Goose egg on the forehead, brace on the right arm and bandage around the left hand. Gawd, only I could knock myself out with a roasting pan. The Man tells me that he has less chance of getting hurt in a gun fight than I do painting my bathroom. Can't wait for tomorrow when I'll be safe in an operating room.
Oh Connie! If I had only an ounce of your energy I'd be a happy woman. But then, if your propensity for self-injury were to come with it, I'd have to pass. I think there is something to be said for being a couch potato when contrasted to your bruised and broken body.
And yes, you should be safer on that OR table than you are at home. At least you will be sedated.
However, we all know that it's going to take a might strong sedative to keep Connie down!
you remind me of my daughter! she is always having somekind of accidnet. she trips over everything. when she was little you could put her in a room filled with china and she'd not touch anything she was so good. now i dont' trust her with tuperware she's so clumsy! hahaha good luck on your surgery your going to be jsut fine. i'm starting to think about maybe getting that tummy tuck someday! god bless, pammy