What a glorious day ...
It has finally decided to be Spring here in Maryland after toying with it for a week or so, and this morning Mr Mo pulled the cover off the Camaro and drove it out of the garage. We went to breakfast and then did a lap around WalMart and then the local Mills mall. When we came out of the mall, he put the top down and I just tilted my head back and enjoyed the sunshine.
Now for my reality dose for the day .. we stopped for lunch at a local place that I have only been to once before about 6 years ago. After about my 3rd trip to the ladies room, I realized how thankful I am that I am no longer 'Circumferentially-challenged'. There was next to no maneuvering room in the ladies. Two small stalls and about enough room for one smallish person to stand and wash their hands while hoping no one opened the door while you were standing there. Even though I am still overweight (make that technically obese), I have learned to take for granted that I will fit places and not worry that I will bump someone or get stuck squeezing through.
Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful sunny spring day!
Hugs, Mo